Special Offer

PokerNews $2,500 Added

Sign-up to partypoker today to win a share of $2500 in a PokerNews-exclusive tournament.

  • Total Prize

    $2,500 USD
  • Date

    Jan 14 - 30, 2014
  • How to qualify?

    New customers must sign-up to partypoker through PokerNews and make at least one deposit on your account during the qualifying period. Existing PokerNews customers that already deposited on partypoker are automatically eligible.

There is no better time than now to sign-up to partypoker through PokerNews that right now! Partypoker is generously adding $2,500 to a PokerNews-exclusive tournament on January 31, 2014 at 19:30 GMT.

To be eligible for this exciting tournament, all you need to do is download partypoker through PokerNews and make a deposit between January 15, 2014 and January 31, 2014. Existing partypoker customers that have been previously tagged to PokerNews are also eligible provided that you have previously made at least one deposit into your account.

The tournament has a $6 ($5+$1) buy-in and will have tremendous value due to the added $2,500 as well as the small player base involved. Remember that you will only be playing against other players that have both created their accounts through PokerNews and have made at least one deposit.

So what are you waiting for? Sign-up to partypoker through PokerNews today and get ready to play in the low-field and high-volume PokerNews $2,500 Added tournament at the end of the month.

  • This promotion is only open to new customers who have created their partypoker accounts using the marketing codes of PokerNews.com and its associated companies.
  • New customers must deposit between January 15- January 31, 2014 in order to be eligible for the partypoker PokerNews Daily Freerolls.
  • All ticket inquiries should be directed to the excellent partypoker support team.
  • partypoker's standard terms and conditions apply.
  • The decision of the partypoker management is final.
  • PokerNews and partypoker reserve the right to amend or cancel this promotion at any time and without prior warning.