Special Offer

PokerNews iPhone Giveaway

Win a chance at a free iPhone every Wednesday on partypoker!

  • Total Prize

    300 USD
  • Date

    Jan 14 - Mar 30, 2014
  • How to qualify?

    New customers must sign-up to partypoker through PokerNews and make at least one deposit on your account during the qualifying period. Existing PokerNews customers that already deposited on partypoker are automatically eligible.

How would you like to be a proud owner of a new iPhone 5S? Now is your chance on partypoker where each and every Wednesday from January 15, 2014 until March 15, 2014 you can win an iPhone 5S in the PokerNews Phone Giveaway promotion.

To be eligible for these exciting weekly tournaments, all you need to do is download partypoker through PokerNews and make a deposit between January 15, 2014 and March 15, 2014. Existing partypoker customers that have downloaded partypoker through PokerNews and have also previously made at least one deposit into their partypoker account are also automatically eligible to participate in these value-added tournaments.

Each tournament costs only 5 PartyPoints which is very easy to obtain by generating only $2.50 in rake! The tournaments can be found listed in the lobby every Wednesday at 19:30 GMT listed as PokerNews Phone Giveaway. These exciting tournaments should not have tons of players since they are exclusive to players that have signed up through PokerNews!

If you already have an iPhone, there is still value in playing these tournaments every week since the winner has the option of $300 in tournament Dollars (T$) instead of receiving a brand new iPhone!

Sign-up to partypoker through PokerNews today and get ready to play in the PokerNews Phone Giveaway to potentially win your way a free iPhone.

  • This promotion is only open to new customers who have created their partypoker accounts using links published on PokerNews.com and its associated companies.
  • New customers must deposit between January 15- March 15, 2014 in order to be eligible for the PokerNews Phone Giveaway.
  • Winners have the option of receiving $300 instead of an iPhone.
  • All ticket inquiries should be directed to the excellent partypoker support team.
  • partypoker's standard terms and conditions apply.
  • The decision of the partypoker management is final.
  • PokerNews and partypoker reserve the right to amend or cancel this promotion at any time and without prior warning.