2012 World Series of Poker

Event 35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0

Ivey Lays Down To Cajelais

Limit Hold'em

From under the gun, Phil Ivey raised and action folded to Erik Cajelais in the big blind. He made the call and the flop came down {Q-Hearts}{J-Hearts}{6-Spades}. Cajelais checked and Ivey bet. Cajelais called.

The turn was the {K-Diamonds} and both players checked to see the {9-Spades} land on the river. Cajelais led with a bet and Ivey folded.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Cajelais ca
Erik Cajelais
WSOP 1X Winner
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Phil IveyErik Cajelais

Gathy Getting Short

Limit Hold'em

Action folded to Michael Gathy in the small blind and Joep van den Bijgaart called from the big blind. The flop came down {A-Spades}{7-Clubs}{6-Hearts} and Gathy bet. van den Bijgaart called.

The turn was the {Q-Hearts} and Gathy check-called a bet from van den Bijgaart. The river was the {J-Clubs} and Gathy checked again. Van den Bijgaart bet and Gathy called.

Van den Bijgaart showed the {J-Diamonds}{6-Spades} for two pair and Gathy mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Joep van den Bijgaart nl
Joep van den Bijgaart
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Michael GathyJoep van den Bijgaart

Golbuff Loses Some on Failed Bluff

Limit Hold'em

Samuel Golbuff made it two bets from the button and was called by Chris Tryba from the big blind.

The flop came {J-Spades}{4-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} and Tryba checked to Golbuff, who followed up with a bet. Tryba flatted to see a turn, which came the {8-Spades}. Both players checked, however, Tryba would lead out when a {Q-Diamonds} landed on the river. Golbuff then raised, sending a puzzled look over Tryba. After about 2 minutes of tanking, Tryba tossed in a call and Golbuff turned over {2-Hearts}{5-Hearts} for just five-high. Tryba revealed {K-Clubs}{Q-Clubs} for queens and fours and scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Tryba us
Chris Tryba
WSOP 1X Winner
Samuel Golbuff us
Samuel Golbuff

Tags: Chris TrybaSamuel Golbuff

Ivey Wins One and Loses One

Limit Hold'em

On the first hand of Limit Hold'em, action folded to Phil Ivey in the cutoff seat and he raised. Everyone folded and Ivey won the pot.

On the next hand, action folded to Ivey in the hijack seat and he raised again. In the cutoff seat was Samuel Golbuff and he reraised. Play folded back to Ivey and he called.

After the {K-Clubs}{9-Spades}{5-Clubs} flop, Ivey check-folded to a bet from Golbuff.

Player Chips Progress
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Phil IveySamuel Golbuff

Cajelais Takes the Lead

No-Limit Hold'em

Action folded to Michael Gathy on the button and he put in a raise to 17,000. In the small blind, Joep van den Bijgaart made the call and then Erik Cajelais called from the big blind.

The three players saw the flop come down {J-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and van den Bijgaart checked. Cajelais bet 28,000 and Gathy made the call. Van den Bijgaart also called.

With all three players still in on the {K-Clubs} turn, action was checked around. Then, the {Q-Spades} landed on the river to complete the board. Van den Bijgaart checked and Cajelais bet 90,000. Gathy gave it up, but van den Bijgaart made the call.

Cajelais turned over the {10-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} for a straight to the king and van den Bijgaart mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Erik Cajelais ca
Erik Cajelais
WSOP 1X Winner
Joep van den Bijgaart nl
Joep van den Bijgaart
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Erik CajelaisJoep van den BijgaartMichael Gathy

Wheeler Spikes Ace on River; Doubles Through Golbuff

No-Limit Hold'em

Action folded over to Samuel Golbuff on the button, who min-raised to 16,000. Directly behind him, Brent Wheeler moved all-in for his last 178,000 from the small blind. Chris Tryba folded the big blind and Golbuff tanked, but eventually announced, "Call," to put Wheeler at risk.

Wheeler: {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}
Golfbuff: {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}

The first four cards ran out {3-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{J-Spades} and Wheeler got up from his seat as if he were ready to leave. However, the {A-Diamonds} fell on the river, giving Wheeler a pair of aces on the river for the double up.

Wheeler is up to 360,000 following the hand while Golbuff has slipped to 350,000

Player Chips Progress
Brent Wheeler us
Brent Wheeler
WSOP 1X Winner
Samuel Golbuff us
Samuel Golbuff

Tags: Brent WheelerSamuel Golbuff