
A 'Showdown' in poker is the point at which all betting has ended and players remaining in the hand reveal their cards to determine who has the best hand and is the winner of the pot.

What is a Showdown in Poker?

In poker, 'Showdown' is the stage of the game where all betting has concluded, and the player with the best hand according to the poker hand rankings wins the pot.

Understanding Showdown

The Showdown occurs only if there are two or more players left after the final betting round. Players reveal their cards, and the player with the best hand wins. If two or more players have identical hands, the pot is split equally between them.

The Order of Showdown

In a Showdown, the last player to have made a bet or raise is the first one to show their hand. If no betting occurred on the final round, the player to the left of the dealer button is the first to show. The Showdown continues clockwise around the table.

Example of "Showdown"

For instance, in a game of Texas Hold'em, after the final round of betting on the river, all remaining players go to a Showdown.

  • "He was confident going into the Showdown with his full house."
  • "She decided to call his bet and take the hand to Showdown."
  • "The Showdown revealed that he had been bluffing with a high card."

Showdown in Poker FAQs

What is a Showdown in poker?

A Showdown in poker is the point in the game where all betting has ended, and the remaining players reveal their cards to determine who has the best hand and wins the pot.

When does a Showdown occur?

A Showdown occurs only if there are two or more players left after the final betting round.

What happens if two players have the same hand at Showdown?

If two or more players have identical hands at Showdown, the pot is split equally between them.

Who shows their hand first at Showdown?

The last player to have made a bet or raise is the first one to show their hand at Showdown. If no betting occurred on the final round, the player to the left of the dealer button is the first to show.

What if a player doesn't want to show their hand at Showdown?

If a player doesn't want to show their hand at Showdown, they can choose to 'muck' (discard) their hand without showing. However, they forfeit any claim to the pot.