2019 MSPT Golden Gates Regional

$360 Regional Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2019 MSPT Golden Gates Regional

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Level: 12

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 2,000

Quick Adds to his Stack

Level 11 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

The player in the hijack raised to 4,000 and David Quick called from the cutoff.

A flop reading {q-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{3-Spades} was dealt and the hijack threw in a bet of 6,000 that Quick called.

The turn brought the {k-Spades} and the hijack continued with another bet of 6,000 that Quick called once more.

The {q-Spades} filled up the river and the hijack fired 15,000. Quick called. The hijack showed {a-Clubs}{10-Clubs} for ace-high and Quick tabled {q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} to win the pot with trip queens.

Player Chips Progress
David Quick us
David Quick

Tags: David Quick

Another One for Giefer

Level 11 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

There was a pot of around 8,000 in the middle when the dealer fanned a flop of {a-Clubs}{10-Spades}{2-Hearts}. The player in the big blind checked along with Stephen Giefer in middle position.

The turn came the {j-Clubs} and the player in the big blind checked again. Giefer bet 6,000 and the player in the big blind check-called.

The {4-Hearts} filled up the board and the player in the big blind check-called another bet of 10,000 from Giefer. Giefer turned over {a-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for aces and tens and his opponent sent his hand to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Giefer us
Stephen Giefer

Tags: Stephen Giefer

Giefer Doubles Up

Level 11 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

The player in middle position raised to 3,500 and Stephen Giefer three-bet to 8,500 from the cutoff. Action folded back to the player in middle position who stuck around with a call.

The flop was {j-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} and the player in mid-postion check-called a bet of 12,000 from Giefer.

The turn fell the {7-Diamonds} and the player in middle position checked again. Giefer moved all in for 10,000 and his opponent called.

Stephen Giefer: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Opponent: {k-Clubs}{j-Spades}

The player in middle position had a pair of jacks but Giefer was ahead with kings. The {8-Spades} filled up the board and Giefer doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Giefer us
Stephen Giefer

Tags: Stephen Giefer

Level: 11

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 1,600

Jones Keeps Building

Level 10 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Doug Jones
Doug Jones

Doug Jones raised to 2,800 from middle position and the player in the big blind defended.

The flop fell {10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and the player in the big blind checked. Jones bet 5,100 and his opponent check-called. The turn brought the {k-Clubs} and the player in the big blind checked once more. Jones threw in another bet of 20,000 and his opponent let it go.

Player Chips Progress
Doug Jones us
Doug Jones

Tags: Doug Jones

Spiwak Eliminates Bloomingdale; Takes the Lead

Level 10 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Samuel Spiwak
Samuel Spiwak

Wyatt Bloomingdale opened to 3,000 from the hijack and the player in the small blind three-bet to 8,000. Samuel Spiwak called from the big blind and Bloomingdale stuck around with a call as well.

Players saw a flop of {9-Spades}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades} and the player in the small blind checked. Spiwak moved all in for about 86,000 and Bloomingdale went deep into the tank, then called for less, putting at risk about 68,000. The small blind folded.

Wyatt Bloomingdale: {7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}
Samuel Spiwak: {7-Spades}{7-Clubs}

Bloomingdale had flopped two pair but Spiwak had flopped a set of sevens. The {j-Spades} turn and {8-Hearts} river completed the board and Spiwak won the pot, eliminating Bloomingdale.

Player Chips Progress
Samuel Spiwak us
Samuel Spiwak
Wyatt Bloomingdale us
Wyatt Bloomingdale

Tags: Samuel SpiwakWyatt Bloomingdale