2009 World Series of Poker

Event 21 - $3,000 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 3
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
0 / 0

We've Already Got Action


In the first hand of the official final table, a nice pot brewed up between Michele Limongi and Tim Finne. Limongi raised the action up from early position and Finne made the call.

The flop came down {K-Clubs} {9-Spades} {7-Clubs} and Finne fired a bet. Limongi made the call.

The turn was the {J-Clubs} and Finne checked. Limongi fired a bet and Finne mucked his hand. Finne dropped to roughly 180,000 and is now an even shorter short stack.

Tags: Michele LimongiTim Finne

Amaral's a Gambling Man

The gambler, Chris Amaral
The gambler, Chris Amaral
Chris Amaral was down to under 10,000 chips last night with over 30 people left in the field and was trying to offer people 10:1 on $100 that he would make the final table. Some peopple took up the bet with him. He has now made the final table and already been paid from one of the people that placed the bet with him. Amaral was also promised a pair of velcro shoes from the man because his laces kept getting snagged up on the table legs and chair legs last night. Those are still yet to be received.

If that's not enough of a gamble, Amaral has offered Matt Hawrilenko a bet for $1,000 that it will be Hawrilenko and Amaral heads up. Amaral wants 20:1 on the bet and Hawrilenko has been thinking about it. Amaral even said he's post with Hawrilenko and tossed ten $100 bills on the table saying, "I want you to know what it feels like to hold onto my $1,000." Hawrilenko has yet to accept the bet.

Tags: "HossTBF"Chris AmaralMatt Hawrilenko

Stewart Yancik Eliminated in 9th Place ($23,777)

Stewart Yancik - 9th Place
Stewart Yancik - 9th Place

From under the gun, Stewart Yancik raised. Michele Limongi called, Matt Hawrilenko called from the cutoff, Zac Fellows called from the button, and then Timothy Finne called from the big blind. The flop came down {9-Spades} {4-Diamonds} {3-Hearts} and Finne checked to Yancik. He fired all in for 13,000. Limongi called, Hawrilenko called, and then Zac Fellows asked how much he could raise. He was informed he could make it 33,000 and did so. Finne folded, Limongi folded, and then Hawrilenko called.

The turn was the {4-Clubs} and Hawrilenko checked. Fellows fired and bet and Hawrilenko folded, giving Fellows the side pot. He then tabled {K-Spades} {K-Clubs} against Yancik's {A-Hearts} {6-Diamonds}. The river was the {K-Hearts} and that was it for Yancik, as he finished in 9th place.

Tags: "HossTBF"Matt HawrilenkoMichele LimongiStewart YancikTimothy FinneZac Fellows

Oh Jiminy Cricket!

"Oh Jiminy Cricket!"
"Oh Jiminy Cricket!"

Stewart Yancik has been crippled in a hand against Chris Amaral. Yancik led the betting on every street and then checked over to Amaral on the river. The board read as follows:

Yancik: {A-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}
Amaral: {J-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{9-Spades}

Amaral got down low and squeezed his river card, before springing to life!

"Ohhhhh Jiminy Cricket!" he shouted and plonked a bet into the middle which Yancik quickly called.

Amaral tabled ({6-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}) for the flush as Yancik flashed ({A-Spades}{10-Spades}{7-Spades}) in the hole for aces up.

Amaral joyously stacked up his newly-found chips as he verbally celebrated with his rail. "About time you learnt how to squeeze a card!" one of them shouted.

Meanwhile Yancik is crippled with just 24,000 chips.

Tags: Chris AmaralStewart Yancik

Finne Doubles Up


Timothy Finne and Martin Eikeng raised back and forth on third street in order to get Finne all in. His tournament would be on the line as the boards ran out as follows.

Finne: ({A-Spades} {J-Spades}) {6-Spades} {J-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} {2-Spades} {K-Clubs}
Eikeng: ({A-Diamonds} {A-Clubs}) {10-Spades} {10-Clubs} {Q-Spades} {6-Clubs} {K-Spades}

The lucky jacks on fourth and fifth street for Finne pulled him ahead of Eikeng. He was able to double up to about 225,000 chips.

Tags: Martin EikengTimothy Finne

Fellows Unstuck In Stud

Michele Limongi
Michele Limongi

Back onto a round of Stud and Zac Fellows has clashed with Michele Limongi in a big pot. Limongi completed, before Fellows raised. Limongi called and then called bets from Fellows on each street until the river. On seventh, Fellows slowed and checked, Limongi bet and Fellows made a crying call.

Limongi: ({9-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}) {9-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{q-Spades} ({5-Clubs})
Fellows: ({J-Spades}{9-Spades}) {J-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{10-Spades}{A-Spades} ({K-Clubs})

Fellows started with split jacks and that's all he ended with as Limongi improved to two pair to take down the generous pot.

Tags: Michele LimongiZac Fellows