PPC Aruba World Championship

$2,500 Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

PPC Aruba World Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000 / 16,000

Ebanks Shoved On by Tomlinson

Level 5 : 150/300, 25 ante

Action folded to Joe Ebanks in the cutoff seat, and he raised to 700. The player on the button, Jeff Tomlinson, reraised to 1,900, then the two blinds folded. Ebanks then four-bet to 5,100. Tomlinson made the call.

The flop came down {A-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}, and Ebanks led for 3,500. Tomlinson moved all in for approximately 25,000, and Ebanks quickly folded.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Tomlinson us
Jeff Tomlinson
WSOP 1X Winner
Joe Ebanks us
Joe Ebanks
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Joe EbanksJeff Tomlinson

Shortell Is Back

Level 5 : 150/300, 25 ante

Tim Shortell has returned to the event after winning his reentry through a satellite that just wrapped up. Shortell built a decent stack early yesterday, but said he became extremely card dead from there on out and busted towards the end of the night.

Player Chips Progress
Tim Shortell
Tim Shortell

Tags: Tim Shortell

Serock Checks Back Full House

Level 5 : 150/300, 25 ante

Terry Plagenz limped in from early position, and Joe Serock attacked his limp with a raise to 1,050 from the hijack seat. After action folded back to Plagenz, he called to see the flop come out {J-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. Plagenz checked, Serock bet 1,125, and Plagenz called.

The {6-Hearts} landed on the turn, and Plagenz checked. Serock bet 4,000, and Plagenz called.

The river completed the board with the {6-Hearts}, and Plagenz checked. Serock mulled it over, then ended up checking behind.

Plagenz announced that he was playing the board and tabled the {K-Clubs}{10-Clubs}. Serock showed the {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts} for the top full house, and he won the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Terry Plagenz
Terry Plagenz
Joe Serock us
Joe Serock
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Joe SerockTerry Plagenz

Level: 6

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 50

Rodriguez with Quads

Level 6 : 200/400, 50 ante

After a raise from a player in middle position and a call from Wayne Griffin in the hijack seat, Neil Rodriguez called on the button. The three players saw the flop come down {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}{Q-Spades}, and action checked around. The turn was the {4-Diamonds}, and the original preflop raiser fired 1,600. Griffin folded, but Rodriguez called.

The river was the {Q-Hearts}, and the first player checked. Rodriguez bet 2,100, and his opponent folded. Rodriguez turned over the {A-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} for a flopped full house that turned into quads on the river. He scooped the pot and moved to 70,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Neil Rodriguez
Neil Rodriguez

Tags: Wayne GriffinNeil Rodriguez

Pahuja Busts Again

Level 6 : 200/400, 50 ante

Mukul Pahuja was all in preflop with {A-}{6-} against the {A-}{K-} for Joe Ebanks. Pahuja was able to flop a six to take the lead when it came {10-}{6-}{2-}, but a {J-} on the turn followed by a {K-} on the river gave the hand right back to Ebanks. Pahuja was eliminated for the second time today while Ebanks climbed to 63,000.

Player Chips Progress
Joe Ebanks us
Joe Ebanks
WSOP 1X Winner
Mukul Pahuja us
Mukul Pahuja

Tags: Mukul PahujaJoe Ebanks