2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - Harrah's Rincon

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - Harrah's Rincon

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Ludemann Loses to Souza

Mike Souza and Jarod Ludemann were on the river of an action packed board that read {j-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{5-Spades}. Ludemann checked to Souza, who fired out a bet of 8,500. Ludemann chucked the call in after a minute of tanking, and Souza rolled over {j-Spades}{10-Spades} for jacks full.

Ludemann released his hand, and dropped to 18,000, while Souza shot up to 70,000

Player Chips Progress
Mike Souza
Mike Souza
Jarod Ludemann us
Jarod Ludemann

Tags: Jarod LudemannMike Souza

Level: 14

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 200

Baldwin's Nine Busts Patterson

We heard all in and a call while we were tracking a hand at another table, and saw that Eric Baldwin and Tyler Patterson had gotten in an all in confrontation preflop. Patterson was at risk with {a-}{10-}, but he was well out in front of Baldwin's {a-}{9-}. That all changed though as the board ran out {6-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}, and Baldwin collected the bounty to up his stack to 60,000.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Baldwin us
Eric Baldwin
WSOP 2X Winner
Tyler Patterson us
Tyler Patterson
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Eric BaldwinTyler Patterson

Henson Hits A Double

Ray Henson had one of the biggest stacks in the room before the last break, but at some point, he took a huge hit. He was down to his last 45,000 when we saw him get in a big post-flop confrontation.

The flop read {k-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}, and Henson fired out 2,600. His opponent thought for about 20 seconds before tossing in a raise to 8,200, and it was back to Henson. He announced all in, and his opponent quickly called.

Henson: {8-Hearts}{5-Hearts}
Opponennt: {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

Both players loved the flop, but Henson was still hurting and in need of an eight or a heart to survive. He caught the {7-Hearts} on the turn to complete his flush, then faded the river, the {4-Hearts}, to double up.

Henson is back up to just under 100,000 after that hand.

Player Chips Progress
Ray Henson us
Ray Henson

Tags: Ray Henson

Hendee Hurting

We walked up to Paul Hendee's table to see that he was in the middle of a huge pot on the river. The board read {4-Spades}{6-Spades}{7-Spades}{5-Hearts}{3-Hearts}, and with about 60,000 in the middle, Hendee's opponent had moved in for 42,000. Hendee went deep into the tank, talking to himself throughout the thinking process. Eventually, he announced call, and his opponent said "I have a nine high straight."

Hendee groaned before mucking his cards, and after that hit, he tumbles down to 42,000.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Hendee us
Paul Hendee

Tags: Paul Hendee

Level: 13

Blinds: 700/1,400

Ante: 200

Break it Up

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

The players are now taking another 15 minute break. The end of Level 12 signifies the end of registration for today, so the 142 player tally that's on the board right now could be the final official number. We will know for sure when players return from their break.

Stewart Stumbles

The last time we were on the floor, Casey Stewart was one of our chip leaders with over 110,000. When we went back to his table, we saw that Stewart's stack was depleted down to around 40,000, and that the player in Seat 9, Anthony Quercio, appeared to be the benefactor of those chips. Quercio is amongst the chip leaders now, sitting on a whopping 180,000.

Player Chips Progress
Anthony Quercio us
Anthony Quercio
Casey Stewart us
Casey Stewart

Tags: Anthony QuercioCasey Stewart