2009 World Series of Poker

Event 14 - $2,500 Six-handed Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Griffin Soaring High

From the cutoff, Gavin Griffin raised. The button reraised and Griffin made the call. The flop came {Q-Spades} {10-Hearts} {8-Hearts} and Griffin checked. His opponent bet and then Gavin raised. The player called.

The turn was the {2-Diamonds} and Griffin fired. His opponent called.

The river was the {3-Clubs} and Griffin bet out again. His opponent called again.

Griffin showed top two, {Q-Clubs} {10-Clubs}, and scooped the pot to move to 20,000 chips.

Tags: Gavin Griffin

Chip Jett Doubles Up, But Still Short

From the cutoff, Chip Jett raised to action. The big blind reraised and Jett called. The flop came down {9-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {2-Hearts} and the big blind bet out. Jett raised and was all in. His opponent made the call.

Jett: {K-Clubs} {9-Spades}
Opponent: {A-Spades} {J-Clubs}

The turn was the {10-Clubs}, keeping Jett in the lead and then the river fell the {8-Diamonds}. Jett was able to double up, but still only has about 2,000 chips.

Tags: Chip Jett

Go Leah Go

Mike "GoLeafsGoEh" Leah
Mike "GoLeafsGoEh" Leah
A player in middle position raised before Nick Frangos popped it up to three bets. Mike "GoLeafsGoEh" Leah called from the big blind and the first raiser called as well.

The flop was {9-Diamonds} {6-Spades} {4-Clubs}. Action checked to Frangos and he fired a bet. Leah was the only caller. The turn was the {5-Diamonds} and Leah led out. Frangos made the call.

The river fell the {9-Hearts}, pairing the top card on the board. Both players checked. Leah flipped up {7-Spades} {5-Spades} and Frangos mucked his hand almost unwillingly.

Frangos dropped to 5,000 while Leah moved up to 8,500.

Tags: "GoLeafsGoEh"Mike LeahNick Frangos

Big Stack Griffin

Gavin Griffin check-called a bet from his opponent on a flop of {Q-Hearts} {3-Spades} {2-Hearts}. The turn went check, check after the {8-Diamonds} fell. The {6-Hearts} on the river prompted a bet from Griffin. The bet was enough to get his opponent to fold and give Gavin the pot.

Griffin is one of the big stacks in the room with approximately 18,000 chips.

Tags: Gavin Griffin

Chip Counts

Jon "PearlJammed" Turner
Jon "PearlJammed" Turner
Jon "PearlJammed" Turner - 15,000
Joe DeNiro - 14,000
Liz Lieu - 12,500
Maya Geller - 12,500
Grant Hinkle - 9,800
Brandon Wong - 7,200
Barry Greenstein - 7,000
Rob Hollink - 6,200
Jeff Lisandro - 5,000
Daniel Negreanu - 5,000
Chip Jett - 3,200
Bill Chen - 2,000
Shawn Keller - 2,000
Greg "FBT" Mueller - 1,300

Nasty Comeback

After being down to just 2,000 chips, Ronnie "RoNasty" Bardah has made a comeback to over 10,000 chips. In two back-to-back hands, this action went down.

Brandon Hawkins was recently eliminated from the tournament on the other side of the room and came over to let his buddy Bardah know about it. "Let me get a sweat." said Hawkins as Bardah peeled back his cards to show them to Hawkins.

The flop came down {K-Hearts} {9-Spades} {2-Spades} and a player checked to Bardah. Bardah fired a bet and his opponent called. The turn brought the {9-Hearts} and it was checked to Bardah again. He fired again and was called.

The river was the {J-Hearts} and the first player checked once more. Bardah reached for chips and tossed out a final bet. His opponent called. Bardah turned up {Q-Diamonds} {10-Clubs} for a straight on the river. "Damn, I sweat SOOO good!" exclaimed Hawkins as he patted Bardah on the back. "Nasty nizzles!" he added.

On the very next hand, Bardah raised preflop and was called by the big blind. The flop was {10-Clubs} {10-Spades} {3-Clubs}. The big blind checked and Bardah bet. The player raised and Ronnie called. The turn brought the {7-Hearts} and the big blind fired a bet. Bardah stuck in a raise and his opponent folded.

Tags: Brandon HawkinsRonnie Bardah

Chip Counts

Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis
Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis
Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis - 12,500
Brian Haveson - 12,000
Stefan Rapp - 5,475
Steve Zolotow - 5,000
David Bach - 4,600
Joe Cassidy - 4,000

Cassidy Still Short

Steve Zolotow limped in from under the gun. Action folded over to the small blind, and he completed before Joe Cassidy checked his option in the big blind. The flop came down {K-Clubs} {Q-Hearts} {3-Clubs}. Everyone checked.

The turn brought the {9-Hearts} and the small blind bet. Cassidy called and Zolotow folded. When the river fell the {10-Spades}, the small blind fired again. Cassidy took a moment and looked at his opponent before tossing in the call. Both players showed {Q-?} {J-?} for the straight and the pot was chopped up.

Cassidy is still short with only 2,000 chips.

Tags: Joe CassidySteve Zolotow