Hands #84-89: Busquet Takes Back the Lead

Hand #84: Busquet took a hand down before the flop with , Colman folded.
Hand #85: Colman took a hand down as Olivier Busquet folded. 10,385,000 8870
Hand #86: Colman opened the button with and Busquet made the call with
. Both players checked on
and Busquet took the pot down with a 400,000 bet on the turn.
Hand #87: Olivier Busquet folded his button, and Colman got a walk with his .
Hand #88: Colman opened to 300,000 with and Busquet made the call with
. The
flop made both players check, and the
on the turn had Busquet take it down with a bet.
Hand #89: Busquet opened with and Colman made the call with the
on the flop asnd Colman bet 300,000. Busquet made the call.
on the turn and Colman checked. Busquet bet out 900,000 and Colman made the call. 2,960,000 in the pot and
fell on the river. Both players checked and Busquet took it down with the nines.