Markus Leikkonen Wins Final GGSF Event For $650K

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Markus Leikkonen

The curtain came down on a massively successful GG Spring Festival on April 27 when the $10,300 Super MILLIONS concluded under the watchful eyes of the PokerNews Live Reporting team. Markus Leikkonen of Finland was the last man standing from the 347 entrants. His reward? A cool $651,821.

GGSF Event H-108: $10,300 Super MILLION$

PlaceWinnerCountryPrize (in USD)
1Markus LeikkonenFinland$651,821
2David ColemanUnited States$502,622
3Yuri DzivielevskiBrazil$387,575
4Christian JeppssonSweden$298,861
5Daniel DvoressCanada$230,453
6Timothy AdamsCanada$177,704
7George WolffUnited States$137,028
9Konstantin MaslakRussia$81,478

Brazilian superstar Yuri Dzivielevski was the chip leader going into the nine-handed final table, closely followed by Daniel Dvoress. Neither was able to build on their impressive start and become the final champion of the GG Spring Festival.

The final table lost a player when Konstantin Maslak shoved for 9.5 big blinds with AK and lost a coinflip against Dzivielevski’s JJ.

Cooler Hand Claims Tournament Life of xyzpoker

Dzivielevski was the executioner against in a cooler hand that saw “xyzpoker” hit the rail in eighth-place. xyzpoker must have been rubbing his hands together in delight after looking down at KK and seeing Dzivielevski all but min-raise in front of him. Delight turned to despair when the Brazilian snap-called xyzpoker’s 8.5 big blind three-bet all-in, doing so with AA.

Leikkonen went on the hunt and snared himself George Wolff, who he sent to the rail in seventh place, a finish good for $137,028. Leikkonen’s AK prevailed against the dominated AQ in Wolff’s hand.

Timothy Adams lost a key coinflip with queen-jack against Christian Jeppsson’s pocket sixes to leave him with only five big blinds. Adams pinned his tiny stack’s hopes on A8 but ran into Dvoress’ AK.

Dangerous Dvoress Destroyed

Daniel Dvoress
Daniel Dvoress

The final five became four when Dvoress busted. Dvoress lost the majority of his stack to David Coleman when the latter’s AK spiked an ace on the flop to crack Dvoress’ red kings. Coleman got his hands on the rest of Dvoress’ chips, his A10 prevailing against the K10 of Dvoress.

Coleman’s march towards the top of the chip counts continued at Jeppsson’s expense. The talented pair got their chips into the middle, Jeppsson holding 66, and Coleman the J10. Coleman flopped a gutshot straight draw and a flush draw in addition to his two overcards. The turn bricked and it was starting to look like Coleman had too many outs. Jeppsson improved to a set on the river, but the six was of hearts, which completed Coleman’s flush.

Heads-up was set soon after when Dzivielevski open-shoved for 14 big blind with 33 and Leikkonen called out of the small blind with AK. You need to win your coinflips to take down tournaments, which is what Leikkonen did courtesy of an ace on the river.

Advantage Coleman, But Not For Long

David Coleman
David Coleman

Coleman held the advantage going into heads-up, his 19,303,914 stack up against Leikkonen’s 15,396,086. Coleman pushed further ahead, but Leikkonen pulled level before forging a lead for himself.

The final hand occurred during the 200,000/400,000/50,000a level, and saw Coleman min-raise to 800,000. Leikkonen called before check-calling an 860,000 bet on the 642 flop. It was a similar story on the 2 turn, Leikkonen checking before calling Coleman’s 400,000 bet. The 6 river saw Leikkonen check for a third time. Coleman took the bait and jammed all-in for almost twice the size of the pot. Leikkonen instantly called having set a trap with his K6, which was now a full house. Coleman could only muster the 97.

Leikkonen, a high-stakes cash game specialist, walked away with $651,821, leaving Coleman to lick his wounds with $502,622 to show for his efforts.

Read a blow-by-blow account of the Super MILLION$

Next Up At GGPoker

You do not have long to wait until the next major GGPoker festival because the $100 million guaranteed WSOP Super Circuit Online Series runs throughout May. Featuring 20 WSOP Super Circuit events, the festival will be nothing short of huge.

You are going to need a GGPoker account to enjoy any of the WSOP Super Circuit events. Download GGPoker via PokerNews and your first deposit is matched 100% up to $600, giving you some ammunition if you plan on chasing down a coveted WSOP Circuit ring.

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