2017 Cash Game Festival Gibraltar

2017 Cash Game Festival Gibraltar
Day: 3

Kadi-Liis Allen Learning Open Face Chinese Poker

Kadi-Liis Allen
Kadi-Liis Allen

Kadi-Liis Allen attended Cash Game Festival parties in the past in Tallinn, but this is her first time going on the road for one. She has yet to play a hand of poker but has been enjoying the activities away from the felt.

If her last name sounds familiar, it should. She is the wife of Cash Game Festival commentator Brandon Allen.

While she might not yet be ready to dive into real money action yet, she was curious about open-face Chinese Poker and saw two dealers going through a tutorial. She asked if she could hop in to learn and they were happy to oblige.

Allen along with a bunch of others are going to head up to the seventh (and top) floor of the yacht for a VIP dinner and to watch the sunset in about 20 minutes.