2015 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

$25,000 High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2015 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

$25,000 High Roller

Day 2 Completed

Savard Leads Final 11 in Record-Setting PCA High Roller

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Jean-Pascal Savard - Chip Leader
Jean-Pascal Savard - Chip Leader

The penultimate day of the 2015 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure has come to a close and with it Day 2 of the $25,000 High Roller. The day began with 117 returning players and registration remained open for new entries and re-entries up until the start of play. After ten full levels of play just 11 players remained with Jean-Pascal Savard leading the way.

The day kicked off with poker's elite hitting the felt with the hopes of winning a slice of this massive prize pool. By the time registration closed, the event earned a total of 269 entries for a record-setting PCA High Roller. Interestingly enough, this also became the seventh largest $25,000 buy-in event in poker history. The total prize pool amounted to $6,456,000 with the top 39 players making the money. Each player to make the money was guaranteed a payday of at least $44,540, while first place was guaranteed an astounding $1,294,460.

Play kicked off at a rapid pace with players flying toward the rail in elimination. Some of the players to exit before the money bubble was reached were Eugene Katchalov, Jason Koon, Aaron Massey, Mike McDonald, Shannon Shorr, Tony Gregg, Dan Shak, and reigning champion Jake Schindler.

The quick pace continued through the money bubble, as it burst before the field could even begin hand-for-hand play. A short-stacked Jeff Rossiter was eliminated at the hands of Zvi Stern. Simultaneously, Paul Volpe was eliminated from another player in the room to guarantee the top 39 players in the room a payday.

While the field of this event was stacked with some of the top poker players in the world, some of the more notable names to make the money include Igor Kurganov (30th), Darren Elias (29th), Davidi Kitai (25th), Jonathan Karamilikis (24th), Niall Farrell (21st), Garrett Greer (17th), and Taylor Paur (15th).

Team PokerStars Pro also had a fair showing in this event with three of their team members making the money. Those to cash include Jake Cody (32nd), Andre Akkari (16th), and Daniel Negreanu (14th). Negreanu had a spectacular clash with Dan Heimiller toward the end of the night that resulted in the former's elimination from play. On a flop of {5-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{7-Spades}, Heimiller led out with a bet of 60,000. Negreanu came over the top for 175,000 and Heimiller thought a moment before announcing that he was all in. Negreanu called for his tournament life of roughly 250,000 more and rolled over {7-Diamonds}{6-Spades} for top two pair. Hemiller showed an open-ended straight draw with {4-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}. In the end, the {9-Clubs} fell on the turn and the {3-Spades} spiked the river to give Heimiller a winning straight and eliminate KidPoker from play. Heimiller rode that momentum to finish the night third in chips with 2.123 million.

Play resumes at 12 p.m. local time where the final 11 runners will play until a champion is crowned. As always, PokerNews will be on hand to provide all of the latest from this record-setting event!

Tags: Jean-Pascal Savard

End of Day Chip Counts

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Jean-Pascal Savard ca
Jean-Pascal Savard
Oleksii Khoroshenin ua
Oleksii Khoroshenin
EPT 1X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Ilkin Garibli az
Ilkin Garibli
Lee Markholt us
Lee Markholt
WPT 1X Winner
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
WSOP 1X Winner
Joe Kuether us
Joe Kuether
Faraz Jaka us
Faraz Jaka
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching

Queens for Heimiller

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Bryn Kenney opened to 35,000 from under the gun, and action folded to Jean-Pascal Savard in the small blind. He reraised to 104,000, and then Dan Heimiller kicked it up to 275,000 from the big blind. Kenney folded, and Savard went into the tank. He eventually folded, and Heimiller won the pot.

"Oh man, I didn't really want to play these for all of my chips," said Heimiller, turning over the {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}. "I was sizing up your stack and mine, but I guess I had the best hand."

Tags: Jean-Pascal SavardDan HeimillerBryn Kenney

Big Stacks Avoid Huge Pot

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

With 100,000 already in the pot, Jean-Pascal Savard checked to Dan Heimiller on the {8-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{2-Clubs} flop. Heimiller bet 80,000 and was called by Savard.

The turn was the {K-Spades} and Savard check-called another bet from Heimiller, this time for 210,000.

The river was the {Q-Clubs} putting four clubs on the board. Savard checked again and this time Heimiller followed suit.

"Ace of clubs," said Savard, turning over his rivered nut flush with the {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades}.

"Check this out," said Heimiller, turning over {6-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} for a flopped set of sixes, adding "I guess it could have been a lot worse."

Player Chips Progress
Jean-Pascal Savard ca
Jean-Pascal Savard
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Dan HeimillerJean-Pascal Savard

Piotr Franczak Eliminated in 12th Place ($98,780)

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Piotr Franczak
Piotr Franczak

Nick Petrangelo opened to 35,000 from the cutoff and Piotr Franczak moved all in for around 315,000 from the button. Action folded back to Petrangelo and he snap-called.

Petrangelo: {J-Spades}{J-Clubs}
Franczak: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}

The board ran out an uneventful {7-Clubs}{9-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{5-Clubs}, sending Franczak to the rail in 12th place for just under $100,000.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Piotr Franczak
Piotr Franczak

Tags: Nick PetrangeloPiotr Franczak

Ilkin Amirov Eliminated in 13th Place ($98,780)

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Ilkin Amirov - 13th Place
Ilkin Amirov - 13th Place

After a series of bets and raises, Ilkin Amirov found himself all in and at risk for his last 271,000 against Oleksii Khoroshenin. The hands were tabled to find the two racing for Amirov's tournament life.

Amirov: {4-Spades}{4-Hearts}
Khoroshenin: {K-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}

The flop fell {A-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}, giving Khoroshenin a few additional outs to make a straight and score the elimination. The {A-Spades} paired the board on the turn, meaning that a jack or a five would also send Amirov to the rail. Unfortunately for Amirov, the {J-Spades} was exactly what peeled off on the river. He was eliminated from play in 13th place and Khoroshenin boosted his stack to 2.45 million.

Player Chips Progress
Oleksii Khoroshenin ua
Oleksii Khoroshenin
EPT 1X Winner
Ilkin Amirov az
Ilkin Amirov

Tags: Ilkin AmirovOleksii Khoroshenin

Khoroshenin Plays Big Hands Well

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Oleksii Khoroshenin
Oleksii Khoroshenin

Lee Markholt opened to 32,000 from late position and Oleksii Khoroshenin called out of the big blind. The two would check on the {9-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{4-Clubs} flop and Khoroshenin led out for 65,000 on the {4-Diamonds} turn.

The river was the {3-Diamonds} and Khoroshenin bet again, this time for 125,000. Markholt made the call and would muck his hand after Khoroshenin turned over {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}.

"You play big hands very well," said Scott Seiver. "Probably because you get so many of them," he added. Khoroshenin smiled, now up to 1,900,000. Markholt dropped to 780,000.

Player Chips Progress
Oleksii Khoroshenin ua
Oleksii Khoroshenin
EPT 1X Winner
Lee Markholt us
Lee Markholt
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Lee MarkholtOleksii KhorosheninScott Seiver

Heimiller Shoves the Flop

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

From the hijack seat, Joe Kuether raised to 35,000. Dan Heimiller called on the button, and Nick Petrangelo called from the big blind. From there, the three players saw the flop come down {Q-Clubs}{10-Spades}{7-Diamonds}, and action checked to Heimiller. He moved all in, and both of his opponents folded.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
Joe Kuether us
Joe Kuether
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Dan HeimillerJoe KuetherNick Petrangelo