2009 PokerNews Cup Australia

$1,100 PokerNetwork Live vs Online Challenge
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 PokerNews Cup Australia

Final Results Event Info
1,000 AUD
Prize Pool
32,000 AUD
Level Info
1,200 / 2,400

The Teams

The teams were selected based on rankings of tournament performances over the past twelve months. The online team features sixteen players all ranked in the top 40 online players in Australia according to PocketFives, while the live team was primarily based on the 2009 PokerNetwork.com Australasian Rankings, with a few wildcards thrown in to complete the team.

Online Team:
Steve 'stevoL' Leonard (captain)
Damien zedveron' Elsing
Jarred 'FlopNutsOnYou' Graham
Ben 'CNT_CRUSHER' Delaney
Jonathan 'xMONSTERxDONGx' Karamalikis
Chris 'Minesony' Evans
Tony 'Bond18' Dunst
Aleks 'Banana Thief' Brkovic
Joel 'Strong Play' Dodds
Michael 'TheBigSiCkO' Guzzardi
Matthew 'onmyVplates' Pearson
Andrew 'Adgee' Jeffreys
Mat 'mathawker' Hawker
Trung 'dynastyzz' Tran
Rayan 'rkruok' Nathan
Dean 'Dinhjo' Nyberg

Live Team:
Stewart Scott (captain)
Steve Topakas
Jai Kemp
Billy 'The Croc' Argyros
Van Marcus
Bruno Portaro
Tony Hachem
Peter Aristidou
Kerry Stead
Sam Youssef
Dave Lee
Bill Jordanou
Ben Savage
Lisa Walsh
Clonie Gowen
Sean Keeton