2008 World Series of Poker Europe

£10,000 WSOP Europe Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Shane Warne, the Michael Jordan of Cricket, Eliminated

Shane Warne
Shane Warne
World-famous cricketer Shane Warne has just been eliminated from the Main Event by professional poker player Farzad Bonyadi.

On a board showing {K-Hearts} {K-Spades} {8-Clubs} {A-Diamonds}, Bonyadi led out with a 6,000 bet into an approximately 8,000 pot, effectively putting Warne to a decision for all of his chips. Warne made the call and tabled {K-Clubs} {7-Diamonds}, only to see that he was well behind Bonyadi's {K-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds}.

A jack on the river filled Bonyadi up, and Warne quickly exited the tournament area.

After the hand, Bonyadi stacked up almost 47,000 in chips.

Tags: Farzad BonyadiShane Warne

The Mouth Opens up and Swallows

Not sure how the action went down but as I approach the table Mike Matusow is adding to his stack and Finnish rocker, Voitto Rintala, is heading for the exit.

We do know it was a race situation though as Steve Zolotow commented, "You're the only one who can't lose a race Mike."

Matusow is up to 75,000 now.

Tags: Mike Mautsow

Haxton Doubles Up

With the board reading {8-Diamonds} {K-Clubs} {A-Hearts} {5-Diamonds}, Isaac Haxton bet 5,000 -- only for the player currently occupying Ted Lawson's original seat to raise to cover him. After a moment's sighing, Haxton called, and discovered that he was ahead.

Haxton: {A-Diamonds} {Q-Spades}
Occupier Of The Lawson Seat: {A-Spades} {J-Hearts}

River: {7-Diamonds}

Haxton duly doubled up to around 30,000. "Thanks," he said as he raked in the chips, although whether this was directed at the dealer or his opponent is uncertain.

Tags: Isaac Haxton

Liebert's a Lucky Lady as Her Ladies Come Good

Thor is no more
Thor is no more
A preflop raising war between Kathy Liebert, Thor Hansen, and Liya Gerasimova resulted in Hansen and Liebert all in, and Gerasimova with just a few thousand behind. Gasps all round...

Hansen: {J-Clubs} {J-Diamonds}
Liebert: {Q-Clubs} {Q-Hearts}
Gerasimova: {K-Hearts} {K-Diamonds}

Board: {A-Diamonds} {10-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} {K-Spades}

Thus Liebert makes a straight to more than double up, Hansen is out, and Gerasimova is understandably not very happy.

Tags: Kathy LiebertLiya GerasimovaThor Hansen

Tilt Battle

Brandon Adams and Patrik Antonius just butted horns. As I approached the table Antonius had just called a bet from Adams. The pot stood at over 5,500 and when the turn was dealt it gave us a {A-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {9-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} board.

Adams checked to face a 3,600 bet from Antonius that he raised up to 23,000. It was enough to put Antonius all in as he only had 10,500 back.

A Portuguese colleague of mine said that he thought Adams was bluffing for sure. I tended to disagree, and so might have Antonius as he mucked his hand. He could have had air though, of course.

Tags: Patrik Antonius

Mantis Breaks Through the Ice

Smooth sailing so far this level
Smooth sailing so far this level
Jeffrey Lisandro raised from early position and saw all fold except for Karl Mahrenholz in the big blind, who defended by putting in a reraise. Lisandro's answer was to push all in, but he wasn't too happy to see the Brit snap-call with {A-Hearts} {A-Diamonds} as he was holding {3-?} {3-?}.

All the way to the river we went: {6-Diamonds} {A-Spades} {K-Spades} {K-Diamonds} {10-Hearts}.

It was all over by the turn and Mahrenholz is happy on 50,000 right now, whereas Lisandro is eliminated.

Tags: Jeff LisandroKarl Mahrenholz

Linda Lee Lost

Linda Lee - busted
Linda Lee - busted
Linda Lee has lost another big one, this time for her tournament life.

Ross Boatman raised first, but quickly got out of there when it became obvious that both Lee and Praz Bansi had a hand. On their backs, Bansi's {10-Hearts} {10-Diamonds} held up against Lee's {6-Hearts} {6-Diamonds}, and she was out of the running for today, while Praz moved up to 32,500.

Tags: Linda LeePraz BansiRoss Boatman

Golser Gone

Shortly afterward we lose another player at the same table and this time it's pro Markus Golser.

It was a raised pot before the flop came down {Q-?} {J-?} {8-?}. Golser was heads up with an opponent and after facing a bet he moved all in. The opponent called holding {A-?} {J-?} and he was ahead of Golser's {A-?} {K-?}.

The turn and river blanked and the Austrian wished all well and took his leave.

Tags: Markus Golser

Bedtime for Barny

Chips now in the possession of Isaac Haxton
Chips now in the possession of Isaac Haxton
Barny Boatman has fallen by the wayside, the victim of a sneaky Isaac Haxton.

Boatman raised with tens, but Haxton had limped with aces, and with no help from the board, that was that for the Hendon Mobster.

Tags: Barny BoatmanIsaac Haxton