Dinesh Alt Wins 2013 PokerStars.net ANZPT Sydney Main Event

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Mat Pater
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Dinesh Alt

Day 3 of the 2013 PokerStars.net Australia New Zealand Poker Tour Sydney Main Event started with 22 players, all returning in the hopes of becoming the eventual champion and walking away with the AUD$223,600 first-place prize. At the end of a long day of play, it was Dinesh Alt denying [Removed:480] of back-to-back ANZPT titles to claim the victory.

ANZPT Season 5 Sydney Final Table Results

PlacePlayerPrize (AUD)
1Dinesh Alt$226,320
3Dominik Nitsche$80,040
4David Campion$62,560
5Michael Fadersen$48,300
6Donald Jones$39,100
7Gary Benson$29,900
8Dan Kelly$23,460
9Rick Solomon$17,480

The day started with Trung Tran being eliminated in the first few hands of the day. He committed the remainder of his stack on the turn with the board reading 6324, but ran into his opponent’s 57 for the nut straight.

From there, play took four hours to reach the final table bubble, as notable players Luke Brabin (17th — AUD$7,820) and Iori Yogo (11th — AUD$11,500) were eliminated along the way. Plenty of eyes were on those two after both made deep runs at ANZPT Perth. It was, however, Ben Gilholme who would miss out on the final table after he ran his QJ into Divkovic’s AA and couldn’t improve.

Divkovic who would start the final table as the chip leader. All eyes were on the young Bosnian, who was crowned champion of ANZPT Perth less than a month ago. His efforts of going back-to-back were helped when a big hand went down against fellow big stack Gary Benson.

The hand started with Divkovic opening to 40,000 from the hijack seat. Benson called from the big blind, and both players saw the flop come QJ5. Benson checked before Divkovic threw out a continuation bet of 45,000. Benson then check-raised to 125,000, which was met with another raise to 207,000 from Divkovic. Benson called and the Q fell on the turn. Benson once again checked, and Divkovic threw out another bet worth 219,000 in chips. The bet was called, and the J completed the board. Benson led out for 250,000 and was met with a quick all in call from Divkovic. Benson took a minute before folding his cards. Divkovic then tabled the K10 for a bluff which shocked Benson. Following the hand, Benson stood up from the table to receive some comfort from his rail.

First to fall on the final table was Rick Solomon. He tried to nurse his short stack for as long as possible and almost thought he was a sure thing to double when he looked down at pocket kings. David Campion woke up with pocket aces, though, and Solomon was eliminated.

Almost two hours passed before the next elimination. Dan Kelly managed to get it all preflop holding the 77 and was called by Dominik Nitsche who held the AQ. The board ran out 29610Q and the queen spiking on the river eliminated Kelly.

After the early tussle with Divkovic, Benson was able to build back his stack, but wound up eliminated in seventh place. On a 104Q flop, Benson went all in holding the J10 and was called by Campion, who had the AQ. After a clean run out in favor of Campion's hand, Benson was gone.

Moments later, Donald Jones committed his remaining 445,000 in chips and hoped to find a double through Nitsche. His A2 was able to hit top pair on a board reading 7AK3J, however, Nitsche had flopped a set of sevens, sending the short stack to the cashier's desk.

Another two hours passed before Michael Fadersen was finally sent to the rail. Alt opened the pot before Fadersen announced all in for his last 500,000 in chips. Campion, who was next to act, went into the tank and eventually flat-called. Alt got out of the way, and both players tabled their cards. As Fadersen tabled his A10, he was upset to see Campion roll over a dominating AK. He didn’t like the fact that Campion took so long to make the call, but there was nothing he could do as the board bricked out.

Campion would be unable to earn himself a podium finish, and he fell in fourth place. He moved all in holding Ax6x and was called by Nitsche holding the A10. The board would miss Campion completely, and he received just over AUD$60,000 for his efforts.

Ten minutes later, Nitsche clashed with Alt, and it resulted in the former's elimination. Alt started the hand by opening to 200,000 from the small blind and was called by Nitsche in the big blind. The flop came 6AK, and Alt continued with a bet of 350,000. Nitshce called, and the turn fell the 3. Alt didn’t slow down, counting out 550,000 in chips and sliding them into the middle. Nitsche called once more, and the A completed the board. Alt tanked for a minute before announcing all in, which was almost snap-called. Alt tabled the 66 for a rivered full house, and Nitsche tabled his A9 for rivered trips. In the end, it was Alt facing Divkovic for the title.

Heading into heads-up play, Alt held a 3-1 chip lead over Divkovic, but that didn’t last long as Divkovic won a crucial hand to shift the momentum in his favor. Alt opened to 250,000 in chips before being met with a reraise to 550,000. Alt made the call, and both players saw the flop come 9A10. Divkovic made a continuation bet of 285,000 in chips, which Alt called. The 9 fell on the turn, and Divkovic checked his option. Alt decided to make the move and go all in, but was called instantly by Divkovic who tabled the AA for top set. Alt tabled his 33 and was drawing dead to give Divkovic the chip lead.

With the chip stacks almost even, the hand of the night occurred that put Alt in the driver’s seat to take the title. The hand started with Divkovic min-raising from the button and getting called. The flop came down J106, and both players checked their option. A 6 fell on the turn, and Alt checked over to Divkovic who put in a bet that was called. The river produced the 7, and Alt checked again. Divkovic bet out 230,000 in chips, before Alt pushed out a raise to 500,000. Divkovic didn’t stop there and slid out a reraise to 1.1 million in chips. After a minute's pause, Alt moved all in, which upset Divkovic. He eventually made the call, and Alt tabled the 89 for a straight. Divkovic could only shake his head as his 63 was tabled.

A few hands later and the tournament was over. Divkovic was unable to replicate the lucky form he had earlier, and he finished in second place, taking home AUD$144,440 for his efforts. Alt enjoyed a short trophy presentation before being escorted to the cashier desk to receive his first-place prize, a whopping AUD$223,600 for three days of work.

The next stop on the ANZPT's Season 5 will be at Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia for the ANZPT Repechage event held May 30 through June 3.

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Mat Pater

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