A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July

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Viktor "Isildur1" Blom

Each week, PokerNews takes a look at the online high-stakes cash game action in our popular Online Railbird Report. With July in the rearview mirror, we thought it'd be worthwhile to take a look at the five biggest pots of the month, all of which came from a July 18 match between Viktor "Isildur1" Blom and a mystery player known only as "Doorbread."

The match took place at the $250/$500 pot-limit Omaha tables on Full Tilt, and when all was said and done Blom walked away a massive winner, up nearly $500,000. You can find out more details on the match – as well as other big online winners and losers – in last week's Online Railbird Report.

In the meantime, let's take a look at the five biggest pots from the aforementioned match according to HighStakesDB, which just so happen to be the five biggest online hands from July.

5th Biggest Hand of July – Spades Aplenty Give Blom $144,476 Pot

"Doorbread" ($87,242) opened for $1,500 and then called when Blom ($72,238) three-bet to $4,500, which brought about a flop of J67. Blom bet $5,500, "Doorbread" raised to $25,500, and Blom three-bet all in for $67,738. "Doorbread" made the call and the cards were turned on their backs.

"Doorbread": 8554
Blom: AKJ6

Blom had flopped two pair with the nut flush draw, while "Doorbread" held an inferior flush draw with a wrap. The 10 turn put an end to the hand by giving Blom the better flush, and he was pushed the $144,476 pot after the A was put out on the river.

4th Biggest Hand of July – "Doorbread" Gets Lucky to Win $152,490 Pot

"Doorbread" ($131,739) opened for $1,500, Blom ($76,245) raised to $4,500, and "Doorbread" four-bet to $13,500. Blom made the call, both players checked the 796 flop, and the 2 appeared on the turn.

Blom led out for $27,000 and then called off his remaining $35,745 after "Doorbread" had raised to $108,000.

Blom: 62KA
"Doorbread": AQQ3

Blom turned two pair with a flush redraw, but a diamond would do him no good as "Doorbread" was drawing to the nut flush. Much to Blom's dismay, the J peeled off on the river to give both players the said flush, and he watched the $152,490 pot pushed to "Doorbread."

3rd Biggest Hand of July – "Doorbread" Gets There on the River For $164,451

Blom ($85,721.50) raised to $1,500 only to have "Doorbread" ($82,225.50) three-bet to $4,500. Blom responded with a four-bet to $13,500, "Doorbread" called, and the flop came down 2AJ. "Doorbread" checked, Blom bet $27,000, and "Doorbread" check-raised all in for $68,725. Blom made the call and the cards were turned up.

Blom: AKK4
"Doorbread": AKQ9

Both players had flopped top pair with a king kicker, but there were still two cards to come. The 5 turn was a blank, but the 10 river wasn't. "Doorbread" spiked Broadway and swiped the $164,451 pot.

2nd Biggest Hand of July – Blom's Shot at $195,988 Flushed Down the Toilet

In the second-biggest hand of the month, "Doorbread" ($100,975) opened for $1,500, Blom ($97,994) raised to $4,500, and "Doorbread" four-bet to $13,500. Blom called and then check-called a bet of $13,500 on the 4A5 flop. Both players proceeded to check the 2 turn and then Blom fired out $54,000 on the K river.

"Doorbread" raised to $73,975, and Blom called off for $70,994 total to create a pot of $195,988. "Doorbread" tabled the KK64 for a flush, and it was good as Blom sent his cards to the muck unseen.

Biggest Hand of July – Blom Gets There on the River to Win $228,952

The biggest hand of July began when Blom ($328,402) raised to $1,500 and then called a three-bet to $4,500 from "Doorbread" ($114,476). The K68 flop saw "Doorbread" check, Blom bet $5,500, and "Doorbread" check-raise to $17,500. Blom made the call and then called a bet of $33,500 on the 2 turn.

When the 9 completed the board on the river, "Doorbread" moved all in for $58,976 and Blom called to create a pot of $228,952. "Doorbread" tabled the KK55 for top set, but it was no good as Blom had rivered a straight with the 578A.

Finally, here's a look at July's biggest winners and losers:

Biggest Winners from July 1-31

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 101

Viktor "Isildur1" Blom

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 102

Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 103

John "dagunman" O'Shea

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 104

Phil "RaiseOnce" Ivey

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 105



Biggest Losers from July 1-31

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 106

Jean-Robert "Jaqueline" Bellande

A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 107


A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 108


A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 109


A Look at the Five Biggest Online Pots from the Month of July 110

Dani "supernova9" Stern


To see what big hands develop throughout August, be sure to check out the Online Railbird Report every Friday.

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PR & Media Manager for PokerNews, Podcast host & 2013 WSOP Bracelet Winner.

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