Vamos! Volkmann Victorious in the Super MILLION$

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Bruno Volkmann

Bruno Volkmann has joined a small group of elite poker tournaments who have won the GGPoker Super MILLION$ more than once.

Brazilian Volkmann first won this tournament in September 2020 and now adds a second title, and an additional $319,830, after taking down the May 25, 2021 edition.

Super MILLION$ Final Table Results

1Bruno VolkmannBrazil$319,830
2Elio FoxMexico$253,440
3David ColemanCanada$200,831
4Sam GreenwoodCanada$159,142
5Antonio MirottaAustria$126,107
6Michael AddamoCanada$99,930
7Joao VieiraLuxembourg$79,186
8Joakim AnderssonMalta$62,749
9Zhuang RuanJapan$49,723

This week’s Super MILLION$ final table was a story of impressive comebacks. Volkmann sat down in fifth-place with a 27 big blind stack before marching onto victory. Equally, if not more, impressive was the comeback of Elio Fox. The two-time WSOP bracelet winner returned to the action with a meagre 8.5 big blind stack yet navigated his way to a runner-up finish worth $253,440.

While Volkmann and Fox are obviously delighted with how their tournament progressed, Japan’s Zhuang Ruan will be disappointed. Ruan sat down with a 42.8 big blind stack, enough for fourth place at the restart. However, they were the first player out of the door.

Fox raised to 120,000 at the 25,000/50,000/6,000a level with what turned out to be ace-king. Ruan three-bet to 265,000 with pocket kings, only for Fox to jam all-in. Ruan called off the 760,179 chips he had behind and busted courtesy of two aces on the flop.

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The dangerous Joakim Andersson was the next player to bow out, doing so when he raised to 467,358, which left him only 150,000 behind. Fox called before betting enough to set Andersson all-in on a seven-high draw-heavy flop, and was called. Fox showed pocket jacks, Anderson king-queen, and Andersson never caught up.

A short-stacked Joao Vieira, a regular at Super MILLION$ final table, crashed out in seventh. Vieira opened to 275,000 leaving himself only 70,702 behind, doing so with ace-king. The action folded around to Fox in the big blind, where he woke up with pocket tens. Fox set Vieira all-in, and was called. A queen-high board was not was Vieira needed and he busted in seventh.

Three-time Super MILLION$ champion Michael Addamo was eliminated in sixth place and won the tournament’s last five-figure prize, although the $99,930 he collected was near as damn it $100,000.

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Addamo came unstuck against Fox, who opened to 140,000 at the 30,000/60,000/7,500a level. Addamo defended his big blind with queen-four despite it leaving him with only 3.5 big blinds behind. That micro stack went into the middle on an all-diamond nine-high flop, Addamo holding the four of diamonds. Fox called with king-jack, with no diamonds, and won the hand when the turn and river bricked.

Fifth place and $126,107 went to Antonio Mirotta one hand after Addamo busted. Sam Greenwood raised to 132,000 with queen-eight offsuit, Fox responded with a three-bet to 589,000 with pocket kings from the small blind, and Mirotta four-bet jammed for 2,146,888 with a pair of tens in the hole. Greenwood instantly mucked, but Fox called equally as fast. No help arrived for those tens and Mirotta headed for the exits.

The final four became three when Greenwood fell by the wayside. Greenwood was second in chips with 85 big blinds but was still the next player out of the door. He lost a few large pots but that did not stop Greenwood from being one of the most active takes at the table. His final hand saw Volkmann min-raise to 240,000 under the gun with king-jack and Greenwood defend his big blind with ten-seven of diamonds. Greenwood initially checked the arrival of the flop, which fell deuce, deuce, seven. Volkmann continued with a 150,000 bet, Greenwood check-raised to 420,000, and Volkmann called. The turn was a king and Greenwood check-raised all-in for 900,162 after Volkmann tested the waters with a 120,000 bet. Volkmann called, the river was a blank, and Greenwood crashed out.

David Coleman did not last too much longer; his elimination sent the tournament heads-up. Coleman got his stack in with pocket sixes against Fox’s ace-eight, and lost due to an eight on the river.

That hand gave Fox a 10,836,288 to 5,363,712 chip advantage over Volkmann, but he could not get the job done. Deals are not permitted in the Super MILLION$, but Fox and Volkmann agreed to one privately away from the tables. This resulted in the pair open-shoving their hands, essentially flipping for the title of champion.

Volkmann doubled his stack in the first of those flips, and secured the title with second of those flips, his ace-five beating Fox’s dominated king-five.

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