Vote For Your Favorite Super MILLION$ Hero Call

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Managing Editor
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The GGPoker Sunday MILLION$ is celebrating its one-year anniversary with a HUGE Super MILLION$ Anniversary Event that comes with a $5,000,000 guarantee.

As part of the celebrations, GGPoker are taking a look back through their archives and selecting some of the best Bluffs, Hero Calls, Gambles and Coolers from Super MILLION$ final tables.

Here we take a look at the best Hero Calls in Super MILLION$ final table history.

Related: GGPoker Launches New Power Game: Dan Bilzerian's Battle Royale

1. Grax on a Straighty Flushy Board

With his only cash and his only final table, Sebastien Grax took down the Super MILLION$ in early November 2020, defeating Christian Rudolph heads-up to win the title.

Heads-up, Grax held Q9 on a 89J4A board with 4.2 million chips in the pot. He checked and his opponent Rudolph, holding just 105 for a missed straight draw, bet the pot. Grax called and with 75% of the chips in play went on to secure victory.

2. Dzivielevski vs Addamo For His Tournament Life

Michael Addamo missed out on an historic fourth Super MILLION$ title in March, 2021 after running into Yuri Dzivielevski heads-up.

In a key hand on a river of A83Q4, Addamo held K5 for just king-high but moved all in putting Dzivielevski to the test for his tournament life.

The Brazilian held 98 for just a pair of eights, but made the call to stay alive in the tournament and he would go on to secure his first Super MILLION$ title at this third final table.

3. Kotelnikov Against the Paired Board

It was a dangerous looking board of 883A10 heads-up between Joaquin Melogno and Audrey Kotelnikov. Melogno, who held KJ, checked the river and Kotelnikov bet 2.2 million into 5.8 million with JJ.

Melogno check-raised enough to put his opponent all in, and Kotelnikov eventually called. He took the chip lead with this hand, but it was the the Uruguayan who would go on to secure victory, his first in the GGPoker Super MILLION$.

Super MILLION$ Anniversary Schedule

There is still plenty of time for you to get involved with the $5m GTD Super MILLION$ Anniversary on GGPoker with three more starting flights still to come.

Remember, you can satellite in for as little as $10 by heading to the GGPoker client and heading to the special High Rollers Week tab.

June 10, 2021ThursdayEvent #27: Super MILLION$ Anniversary Day 1C$10,300$5,000,000
June 12, 2021SaturdayEvent #27: Super MILLION$ Anniversary Day 1D$10,300$5,000,000
June 13, 2021SundayEvent #27: Super MILLION$ Anniversary Day 1E$10,300$5,000,000
June 14, 2021MondayEvent #27: Super MILLION$ Anniversary Day 2-$5,000,000
June 15, 2021TuesdayEvent #27: Super MILLION$ Anniversary Final Table-$5,000,000
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Managing Editor

Based in the United Kingdom, Will started working for PokerNews as a freelance live reporter in 2015 and joined the full-time staff in 2019. He now works as Managing Editor. He graduated from the University of Kent in 2017 with a B.A. in German. He also holds an NCTJ Diploma in Sports Journalism.

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