Home Poker Games

All the questions and answers about playing poker games at home.

  1. What are home poker games?
  1. What are home poker games?

    Home games are picking up in popularity around the world as poker begins to get more and more media coverage. Home games are probably pokers oldest home, card games in general have been played in homes for centuries across the globe, today the regular weekly or monthly night poker game with the boys (or girls) is a feature in many households. Texas Hold'Em is amongst the most popular but many games are played, some of which you may not even recognise as poker! The benefits of home game poker are many in number, you get to play with friends or family, it's generally played in an environment where you'd feel comfortable (your home for example) and the stakes aren't often very high so there is no pressure. Home games are illegal in many places, organisers should always check their local laws. There is also the issue of tax, some countries make gambling a taxable past time, where as others, the UK for example, pay no tax on gambling earnings. Different venues will require different codes of conduct, some home games require players to adhere to strict poker rules, the kind you would expect on a professional poker circuit. Others are more relaxed and the empathis is more on the social occasion rather than the game being played. The future for home games looks bright, many web sites are springing up with home game venues, results and player profiles. Whilst poker in this environment will never threaten casino or online poker it is hard to imagine home games ever running out of support. Check with your friends or web sites for home games in your area, nearly every town and city will have a home game running most nights of the week.