2012 PokerStars.net EPT Prague

Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2012 PokerStars.net EPT Prague

Final Results
Ramzi Jelassi
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Main Event

Day 5 Completed

Jelassi Busts Birthday Boy Klosinski to Set and Lead the Final Table

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Ramzi Jelassi
Ramzi Jelassi

Making three tables look like one at a major tournament is always one of the best spectacles in poker. For many players just making an EPT final table is enough of an achievement. Getting there on the other hand takes guts, a firm mind and a sprinkling of luck. The PokerStars.net EPT Prague shaped a final table of eight today and we saw bucket loads of all three.

The player to find the best combination of all three to claim the overall chip lead overnight was Ramzi Jelassi. While there was drama and huge hands playing out all around him, the talented Swede kept out of trouble. The biggest hand he played was the last hand of the day, and it propelled him into the chip lead heading to tomorrow's final table. It also ruined the 40th birthday of Mariusz Klosinski. The Pole six-bet all in with {q-Hearts}{q-Spades} and was quickly called by Jellasi who held {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}. The final board of the day ran {4-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{2-Spades}{8-Diamonds} to see the kings hold up.

He’ll be flanked by seven others tomorrow and this is how they will line up:

1David Boyaciyan4,635,000
2Sergey Kuzminskiy1,850,000
3Ramzi Jelassi5,675,000
4Ben Warrington2,200,000
5Sotirios Koutoupas3,775,000
6Mark Herm1,700,000
7Aleh Plauski4,705,000
8Diego Gomez1,380,000

Back to the beginning of the day where 21 players had a dream, a dream that would make their Christmas. Roberto Romanello probably dreamed bigger than most. The champion from two years ago was short but if fate was to be on his side he had a chance of breaking all EPT records (first double EPT champion; first to win two EPT Prague titles). It wasn’t to be though as he ran pocket tens into the pocket jacks of Mads Amot.

Iosif Beskrovnyy was big chip leader at the end of days one and two but he couldn’t sustain his position to the end and his final act was losing a race against Dany Parlafes. What can we say about poor Jeff Sarwer? He busted when he four-bet all in with {a-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} only for Aleh Plauski (the three-bettor) to call with {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}. The damage to Sarwer’s stack had already been done though when he lost with pocket aces deep in an EPT for what must be the fifth time.

Klosinski was having a great birthday until that hand and he certainly had a big present handed to him mid-way through the day’s play. He eliminated Amot in a huge pot where he needed, and received, a two-outer on the river to devastate the young Norwegian. That left Norway’s, and Team PokerStars Pro’s hopes for that matter, in the capable hands of Johnny Lodden. Like Sarwer, Lodden has had many deep runs at EPTs only for his luck to run out at the latter stages. Luck evaded him yet again here in Prague when he ran pocket tens into the pocket aces of David Boyaciyan in a button versus small blind set-up.

Shock pot and shock flop hand of the week easily occurred when Andreas Berggren was eliminated in 11th place. He got entangled in a pre-flop raising war with Plauski and found himself all in with pocket kings versus the ace-deuce of the man from Belarus. He was in great shape to double up until the flop came down containing three deuces giving Plauski quads! Read the full hand here.

Tomorrow is a big day for all these players with an awful lot of life-changing money at stake. Here’s a reminder of what they have the chance of winning:

PositionPrize (EUR)
1€ 835,000
2€ 510,000
3€ 310,000
4€ 250,000
5€ 196,000
6€ 150,000
7€ 108,400
8€ 75,000

Join us back here tomorrow from 12:00 PM CET for the much anticipated final table of the last EPT of 2012.

Tags: Ramzi Jelassi

Mariusz Klosinski Eliminated in 9th Place (€53,000)

Mariusz Klosinski
Mariusz Klosinski

It is all over folks, the EPT Prague main event final table is set. Mariusz Klosinski has just been eliminated and we are down to eight players.

The action folded around to Mariusz Klosinski in the small blind and the tournament's birthday boy raised to 80,000. Ramzi Jelassi was in the big blind and he three-bet to 240,000. Team PokerStars Pro Johnny Lodden commented on the live stream that he believed Jelassi must be strong because he would otherwise have called and used his superior position. How right Lodden wold turn out to be.

Klosinski reached for chips and four-bet to 490,000 only to see Jelassi take back his original bet and replace it with 740,000 worth of chips! Within moments Klosinski had six-bet shoved and Jelassi called.

Jelassi: {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Klosinski: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

Lodden was right! Jelassi was strong! Klosinski stood from the table as the dealer put out the {4-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{j-Spades} flop, then the {2-Spades} turn and finally the {8-Diamonds} river. And with that Klosinski was eliminated and the final eight players of the EPT Prague main event were set.

Player Chips Progress
Mariusz Klosinski
Mariusz Klosinski

Tags: Johnny LoddenMariusz KlosinskiRamzi Jelassi

Plauski Wins With a River Boat

On a flop that read {9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{8-Clubs} Aleh Plauski checked from the UTG+1 seat. His only opponent was Diego Gomez (in the very next seat) and Gomez bet 265,000. Plauski called and it was still heads-up to the {Q-Spades} turn.

Both players checked the turn but when the {6-Spades} fell on the river Plauski lead out with a 500,000 bet. Gomez gave his next action some serious consideration before calling.

Plauski: {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}
Gomez: muck

Player Chips Progress
Aleh Plauski
Aleh Plauski
Diego Gomez es
Diego Gomez

Tags: Aleh PlauskiDiego Gomez

Plauski Helps Himself to Some of Kuzminskiy's Chips

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Aleh Plauski opened to 80,000 from the cutoff and then called when Sergey Kuzminskiy made a small three-bet to 170,000 from the big blind.

The pair shared a {7-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{Q-Spades} flop. Kuzminskiy checked, then called, as Plauski tried his luck with a probing bet. The turn was the {8-Clubs} and Kuzminskiy checked again. Plauski bet 240,000 and Kuzminskiy folded soon after.

Tags: Aleh PlauskiSergey Kuzminskiy

Preflop Poker

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Due to a €22,000 pay jump, the fact there is a place on the official EPT Prague main event final table and the shortest stack has 46 big blinds, the players seem happy to play preflop poker.

The dealer needs to find some cooler hands to create some huge pots!