2011-12 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - Harrah's Chester

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2011-12 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - Harrah's Chester

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Main Event

Day 2 Completed

Day 2 Complete- Eleven Still in the Hunt

Level 22 : 6,000/12,000, 1,000 ante
Eugene Fouksman at the top of the pack
Eugene Fouksman at the top of the pack

Day 2 of the World Series of Poker Circuit Chester Main Event saw 158 players return of the total 322 to register. This turnout led to a prizepool totaling $467,055. Players competed for the first place prize of $109,760, a seat to the National Championship and the lovely gold WSOPC Championship ring. Leading the pack is Eugene Fouksman with 1,285,000 and not far behind him sits Ken Silverstein with 1,178,000.

After completing 14 full levels of play, 11 players remain in the hunt to take down the Main Event title. With Fouksman and Silverstein leading the way, John Mitchell rounds out the top three with 1,019,000 in chips. Also, Georgia Robinson, the last remaining woman in the field, will enter the final day of play as the short stack holding 180,000.

Unfortunately, as the field quickly dwindled down, many notable players hit the rail. Among those who were not fortunate enough to cash in this event are Allen Kessler, Amanda Musumeci, Todd Terry, Rachel Kranz, Bryan Devonshire, Dennis Phillips, Everett Carlton, Tim Finne, and Kenny Milam. Also to hit the rail today shortly after cashing was Kyle Cartwright, who managed to get his money in preflop with {Q-}{Q-} against his opponent's {A-}{Q-}. Unfortunately for Cartwright, his opponent hit the jackpot when he flopped quad aces.

Aaron Overton entered Day 2 as the chip leader and continued his domination throughout most of the day. It was not until a hand with Rex Clinkscales that Overton's tournament came crashing down. Overton called the all in of Clinkscales on a flop of {10-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{7-Clubs} holding {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} for middle set. Clinkscales, however, held {K-Diamonds}{K-Clubs} for top set and Clinkscales was able to fade the case seven. Overton found his way to the rail a few hands later, busting in 24th place.

Other players who were able to make the money but not find their way to Day 3 include Michael Shasho (31st-$2,788), Peter Ippolito (27th-$3,545), Mike Sica (22nd-$4,077), Brandon Fish (18th-$5,623), and Joshua Weizer (12th-$8,206).

Cards will be back in the air for the final day of play at 2 p.m. EST tomorrow. Join us tomorrow as we watch the field wind down to a final table and beyond live on PokerNews.com.

Final Eleven Chip Counts

Eugene Fouksman1,285,000
Ken Silverstein1,178,000
John Mitchell1,019,000
Tuan Phan733,000
Cory Mascagni579,000
Christopher Bonn351,000
Mike Linster315,000
John Nelson301,000
Pete Kaemmerlen270,000
Rex Clinkscales224,000
Georgia Robinson180,000

Tags: Eugene FouksmanKen Silverstein

Four More!

Level 22 : 6,000/12,000, 1,000 ante

Tournament staff has just announced that the players will play four more hands before play comes to a close.

Mitchell Doubles Through Kaemmerlen

With the flop reading {9-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{5-Hearts}, John Mitchell bet out 101,000. Tuan Phan got out of the way and the action was on Pete Kaemmerlen. Kaemmerlen announced all in and was snap called by Mitchell who tabled {5-Spades}{5-Clubs} for a set of fives. Kaemmerlen was behind holding {6-Spades}{6-Hearts} for a pair of sixes and a gutshot.

The turn and river came {10-Clubs} and {k-Diamonds} respectively and Mitchell was able to score a huge double up.

Player Chips Progress
John Mitchell
John Mitchell
Pete Kaemmerlen
Pete Kaemmerlen

Tags: Pete KaemmerlenJohn Mitchell

Phan is Capable of Folding a Hand

Level 22 : 6,000/12,000, 1,000 ante
Eugene Fouksman convinced Phan to fold.
Eugene Fouksman convinced Phan to fold.

Eugene Fouksman and Tuan Phan went to a flop together of {5-Spades} {3-Diamonds} {9-Spades}. Fouksman bet 45,000, Phan raised to 100,000 and Fouksman played right back and three-bet to 250,000.

In the craziest turn of events, Phan thought for a while and then folded his hand. Something we hadn't seen almost all day.

Tags: Eugene FouksmanTuan Phan

Sai Wang Eliminated in 13th Place ($8,206)

Sai Wang moved all in preflop for 105,000 and received a call from Tuan Phan.

Wang: {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}
Phan: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}

We were off to the races and Wang held the lead through the flop of {K-Spades}{J-Hearts}{4-Clubs}. Unfortunately for Wang, Phan jumped out ahead when the {Q-Clubs} turned. Fifth street brought a {7-Diamonds} and Wang was sent home, collecting $8,206 in prize money.

Player Chips Progress
Tuan Phan us
Tuan Phan
Sai Wang us
Sai Wang

Tags: Sai Wang

Kaemmerlen Doubles Through Phan

Tuan Phan opened for a raise on the button and Pete Kaemmerlen re-raised to 69,000 from the big blind. The flop came {8-Hearts} {10-Spades} {4-Hearts} and Kaemmerlen bet 87,000. Phan raised to 200,000 straight and Kaemmerlen moved all in for an additional 162,000.

Phan did his ritualistic stand up from his chair to think, but this time he admitted outloud, "I played this hand so bad." Then he called and the hands were tabled.

Kaemmerlen: {A-Clubs} {10-Hearts}
Phan: {A-Spades} {2-Spades}

The board completed {3-Clubs} {2-Clubs} and Phan plummeted down to under 200,000.

Player Chips Progress
Pete Kaemmerlen
Pete Kaemmerlen
Tuan Phan us
Tuan Phan

Tags: Tuan PhanPete Kaemmerlen

Robinson Triples

Level 22 : 6,000/12,000, 1,000 ante

Cory Mascagi raised to 30,000 and Georgia Robinson moved all in for her last 39,000. Mike Linster made the call and Mascagi tossed in the extra 9,000 to call as well.

Mascagi and Linster checked down the board of {5-Spades}{2-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{5-Clubs} only to find Robinson flip up a winning {K-Spades}{K-Hearts}. Everyone laughed as the chips were pushed her way. From the rail, Robinson's friend chimed in, "You've got a horseshoe up your ass this mornin'!"

Tags: Georgia RobinsonCory MascagiMike Linster

Eric Panayiotou Eliminated in 14th Place ($6,744)

Eric Panayiotou had been the shortest stack in the room for the past few levels. His short-stack grind came to a halt when he got it all in preflop and Christopher Bonn called.

Bonn: {K-Diamonds} {K-Spades}
Panayiotou: {J-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds}

The board ran {J-Clubs} {Q-Diamonds} {2-Clubs} {6-Hearts} {A-Spades} and Panayiotou was sent to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Bonn us
Christopher Bonn
Eric Panayiotou us
Eric Panayiotou

Tags: Christopher BonnEric Panayiotou