2019 World Series of Poker

Event #75: $1,000+111 Little One for One Drop No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 4
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,500,000 / 3,000,000

Event #75: $1,000+111 Little One for One Drop No-Limit Hold'em

Day 4 Completed

Fernando Karam Leads the Final Five at the $1,111 Little One for Drop

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Fernando Karam
Fernando Karam

Another wild day is complete in Event #75: $1,111 Little One for One Drop. Day 4 didn’t play all the way down to a champion as planned, so the remaining five players will return tomorrow for an extra Day 5. The final table restart commences at 12 p.m. Friday, with play resuming at Level 41 and the blinds at 800,000/1,600,000, with a 1,600,000 big blind ante.

The remaining players took turns trading the chip lead among themselves several times throughout the latter levels of Day 4. Coming back tomorrow it's Fernando Karam in the lead with 93,500,000, followed by Liran Betito (52,400,000), James Anderson (49,200,000), Shalom Elharar (27,500,000), and Marco Guibert (23,200,000)

The field narrowed down to a nine-handed final table on the last hand before the dinner break, with Kenneth Golden going out in 10th place at the hands of Elharar with the dinner clock already ticking down after Level 36. Golden took home $47,812 for his 10th place finish.

Robert Mather was the first casualty at the final table, coming into nine-handed play short-stacked and taking home a $61,238 payday. Ying Fu took home $79,029 for his eighth-place finish, and seventh-place finisher Mark Strodl netted $102,757.

The action heated up when the final six players were moved to a secondary feature table in the Amazon Room. Nils Tolpingrud was the first casualty of the six-handed table. Tolpingrud banked $134,608 for his sixth-place finish.

Other notable eliminations on Day 4 included Mike Dentale, who built a big chip lead in the early levels of the day before enduring a run that saw him lose several pots losing pots as the afternoon wore on. Dentale finished 22nd for $23,825, after looking like he had a chance to make a challenge for the bracelet.

With $690,686 up for grabs and the WSOP bracelet, this dynamic group at the final table will surely provide an entertaining climax to this event.

Follow along with the PokerNews live reporting team, beginning at 12 p.m. local time on Friday, as the Little One for One Drop plays down to a winner.

Tags: Fernando KaramJames AndersonKenneth GoldenLiran BetitoMarco GuibertMark StrodlMike DentaleNils TolpingrudRobert MatherShalom ElhararYing Fu

End-of-Day Chip Counts and Seat Draw (full)

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
SeatPlayerCountryChip Count
1Shalom ElhararUnited States24,500,000
2James AndersonUnited States49,200,000
3Liran BetitoIsrael52,400,000
4Marco GuibertArgentina23,200,000
5Fernando KaramBrazil93,500,000
Player Chips Progress
Fernando Karam br
Fernando Karam
Liran Betito il
Liran Betito
James Anderson us
James Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching
Shalom Elharar us
Shalom Elharar
Marco Guibert ar
Marco Guibert

Read full

Hands #127-132: The Last Hands of the Night

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #127: Marco Guibert raised to 2.5 million under the gun and folded when James Anderson three-bet to 6.6 million.

Hand #128: Shalom Elharar raised the cutoff to 2.5 million and Guibert called from the big to see a {3-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} flop. Guibert checked and folded to a bet of 2.4 million.

Hand #129: Liran Betito raised to 2.7 million from the button and folded when Fernando Karam three-bet to 10 million from the big.

Hand #130: Guibert limped the button, Karam did the same from the small blind, and Elharar checked his option from the big to see an {8-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{q-Spades} flop. Two checks saw Guibert bet 1.2 million and that won him the pot.

Hand #131: Betito raised to 2.5 million under the gun and Anderson defended his big blind to see a {q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} flop. Anderson checked, Betito bet 2 million, and Anderson woke up with a check-raise to 7 million. Betito folded.

Hand #132: In the last hand of the night, Guibert raised to 2.5 million under the gun and folded when Karam raised to 12 million next to act.

Tags: Fernando KaramJames AndersonLiran BetitoMarco GuibertShalom Elharar

Hands #120-126: Round and Round

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #120: Shalom Elharar got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #121: Marco Guibert raised to 2,500,000 in the cutoff and Shalom Elharar called on the small blind. Both players checked the {8-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{10-Clubs} flop. Elharar bet 2,500,000 on the {5-Spades} turn and got the fold.

Hand #122: Marco Guibert opened to 2,500,000 on the cutoff, Fernando Karam three-bet to 9,500,000, and Guibert folded.

Hand #123: Shalom Elharar opened to 2,400,000 on the cutoff, Liran Betito called on the small blind, Marco Guibert three-bet all in on the big blind, and both opponents folded.

Hand #124: Shalom Elharar limped in the hijack and got three callers. Liran Betito led out for 2,500,000 on the {4-Diamonds}{a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} flop, and all three opponents folded.

Hand #125: Fernando Karam raised to 4,000,000 from the small blind and took down the pot uncontested.

Hand #126: Shalom Elharar limped on the small blind, and James Anderson checked back. The action checked through all streets on a {q-Spades}{10-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} runout, and Anderson showed down {7-Hearts}{7-Spades} for the win.

Hands #117- 119 Anderson Doubles

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hands #117: Shalom Elhara raised to three million on the button and won the hand without a showdown.

Hands #118: Elhara limped in the cutoff and James Anderson shoved all in. Elhara made the call.

Elhara: {a-Spades}{10-Spades}
Anderson: {q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}

The final board read {5-Hearts}{5-Spades}{q-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}, Anderson hitting his ten and doubling up.

Hands #119: Elhara raised to three million under the gun, Fernando Karam called in the big blind.

Action checked all the way to the river of the {4-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{5-Hearts} board. Karam check-called a five million chip bet, Elhara mucked and Karam won the hand.

Tags: FernandoFernando KaramJames Anderson

Hands #111-116: Elharar Active

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #111: Liran Betito raised to 2.4 million under the gun and James Anderson called from the big blind to see the {a-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{j-Clubs} flop. Anderson check-folded to a bet of 3 million.

Hand #112: Shalom Elharar raised the button and won the pot.

Hand #113: Elharar limped the cutoff and Betito did the same from the small blind. Marco Guibert checked his option in the big and then all three players checked the {k-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{10-Spades} flop.

On the {3-Hearts} turn, Betito bet 1.5 million, Guibert raised to 4.2 million, and Elharar folded. Betito called and then both players checked the {7-Clubs} river. Betito showed the {8-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Guibert mucked.

Hand #114: Elharar raised to 2.5 million under the gun and won the pot.

Hand #115: Fernando Karam limped the small blind, Elharar checked his option from the big, and the flop came down {k-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{5-Hearts}. Karam checked and folded to a bet of 2 million.

Hand #116: Betito raised to 2.4 million under the gun and Elharar called from the small blind. Anderson came along from the big and the two blinds both checked the {a-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} flop. Betito bet 4.1 million, Elharar folded, and Anderson called to see the {4-Clubs} turn. Action went check-check and the {j-Clubs} completed the board on the river. Anderson checked and then folded to a bet of 4 million from Betito.

Tags: Fernando KaramJames AndersonLiran BetitoMarco GuibertShalom Elharar

Hands #108-110: Karam Firing Big Bets

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #108: Shalom Elharar limped on the cutoff, and Marco Guibert checked back. Both players checked through the flop and turn {4-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{9-Spades}. Elharar bet 3,500,000 on the {10-Diamonds} river and got the fold.

Hand #109: Shalom Elharar limped on the hijack, and James Anderson raised to 3,700,000, with Elharar calling. Both player checked the next two streets on the {j-Clubs}{7-Spades}{q-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} board, and Elharar check-folded to Anderson's 10,000,000 bet on the river {10-Diamonds}.

Hand #110: Liran Betito raised to 2,700,000 on the cutoff, Fernando Karam three-bet to 9,600,000 on the small blind, and Betito called. The flop came {10-Spades}{k-Spades}{3-Hearts}, Karam bet 5,000,000 and got the fold.

Player Chips Progress
Fernando Karam br
Fernando Karam
Liran Betito il
Liran Betito
Shalom Elharar us
Shalom Elharar
Marco Guibert ar
Marco Guibert
James Anderson us
James Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Fernando KaramJames AndersonLiran BetitoMarco GuibertShalom Elharar

Hands #103-107: Anderson Gets A Walk

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #103 Shalom Elharar raised 2,500,000 on the button and won the hand.

Hand #104 Elharar limped in the cutoff, Liran Betito called in the small blind, and Marco Guibert raised to five million in the big blind. Both opponents folded.

Hand #105 Elharar raised the hijack to two million and won the hand.

Hand #105 Betito opened to two and a half million in the cutoff and Elharar reraised to six million from the big blind. Betito folded.

Hand #106 James Anderson got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #107 Guibert raised to three million in middle position and Betito called in the big blind.

The {a-Clubs}{8-Spades}{q-Clubs} flop checked to the {7-Spades} turn where Guibert bet two million and won the hand.

Player Chips Progress
James Anderson us
James Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching

Tags: James AndersonLiran BetitoShalom Elharar

Hands #99-102: Chip Stacks Holding Steady

Level 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante

Hand #99: Shalom Elharar completed in the small blind, and James Anderson checked. The flop came {4-Clubs}{k-Spades}{8-Clubs}, Elharar bet 2.5 million and got the fold.

Hand #100: Fernando Karam bet 2,500,000 from the cutoff, Shalom Elharar called on the button, James Anderson three-bet all in for 20,600,000 from the small blind, and both opponents folded.

Hand #101: Shalom Elharar opened to 2,500,000 and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #102: Shalom Elharar limped the small blind, and Fernando Karam checked back. Elharar bet 2,000,000 on the {2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{9-Hearts} flop and got the fold.

Player Chips Progress
Liran Betito il
Liran Betito
Fernando Karam br
Fernando Karam
Marco Guibert ar
Marco Guibert
James Anderson us
James Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching
Shalom Elharar us
Shalom Elharar

Tags: Fernando KaramJames AndersonShalom Elharar