PokerSimple: Episode 6 - Is Tight Still Right?

PokerSimple: Episode 6 - Is Tight Still Right?

Is the mantra of the elders still true? Is tight still right? Join Lee and Tommy for an enthusiastic and insightful examination of that question.
"How loose can you play and still beat the game?" That question is answered in this video, with a survey.
"Are nits pathetic? Or are they worthy of honor?" That’s in here, too. Check it out.

0:15We're all smarter now
3:43Feeling comfortable and leakless
7:50How tight are the loosest pros?
14:15Is tight still right?

Through their books and coaching, poker lifers Lee Jones and Tommy Angelo make the world a better place for cash-game fanatics. Learn more here: and

  • What % of hands do the loosest pros play? Is "tight is right" still true? @PokerSimple1 investigates.

  • .@TheTommyAngelo & @leehjones talk tightness, VPIP, being a "nit" and more in a new "PokerSimple."

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