2017 Aussie Millions

$10,000 Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
1,600,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,685,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

$10,000 Main Event

Day 3 Completed

Mustapha Kanit Crushes Day 3 of the Aussie Millions

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Mustapha Kanit
Mustapha Kanit

Another day at the Aussie Millions is in the books and once again it was all about Mustapha Kanit. The Italian all-time money leader crushed the opposition and didn't seem to be able to lose a hand. He ended the day with a massive 2.3 million, far more than any of the other 35 remaining players.

Fedor Holz (539,000), Jennifer Tilly (700,400) and several other notables are also still left in the field, making the Aussie Millions once again a tournament to follow for anyone even remotely interested in poker.

PlayerCountryChip Count
Mustapha KanitItaly2,318,000
Marc MacdonnellIreland1,078,000
Luke RobertsAustralia1,073,000
Michael WeissAustralia1,000,000
Jeff RossiterAustralia995,000

Day 3 of the 2017 Aussie Millions started with exactly 150 players, and 70 would go home empty-handed as only 80 would cash. While 70 players might sound like a lot, they were dropping like flies early on although play tightened up as the bubble loomed.

Before the tournament went hand for hand, Australian poker legend Billy "The Croc" Argyros played a pot that got people from the entire poker room rushing to see what was going on. While Argyros, a member of the Australian Poker Hall of Fame, must have played thousands and thousands of hands in his long and illustrious poker career, we're sure he won't forget this one anytime soon. He got it in for quite a bit of chips with a set of deuces against a set of queens. The river, you guessed it, was a deuce and Argyros knocked out his opponent with a pure one-outer.

Despite winning that pot, Argyros would not make it into the money as he busted just before the AUD$15,000 min cash cheques were getting handed out.

The last player to share that fate was Alek Givotovsk. The first hand of hand for hand play, he lost ace-queen suited to ace-king suited and that was it, the 80 remaining 2017 Aussie Millions Main Event players were in the money.

One player was particularly happy about that; WSOP APAC champion Scott Davies survived the bubble with just a single big blind and one ante. He didn't make the great comeback he hoped for, but still seemed happy just cashing.

While Mustapha Kanit already had the chiplead at that time, post-bubble would only be more of the same as Kanit kept sending people to the rail and collecting chips. He hit a set of fives against Felix Schulze who had top-two with ace-king, and busted Richard Ashby on the last hand of the day to finish play with that huge stack.

Kanit is joined by several other notables, some of them fellow high rollers. Koray Aldemir, Fedor Holz and Jeff Rossiter are just some of the players who'll we be seeing on Day 4 of the Main Event. They're joined by Jennifer Tilly who crushed in her own way. Starting out as chipleader, she slowly but steadily chipped up. One failed bluff set her back a little, but she recovered soon enough and ended the day with 700,000 - well above average.

Day 4 of the Main Event is the day the livestream starts so on top of live updates from the PokerNews team, you'll be able to follow the feature table with the soft voice of Jason Somerville guiding you through the action and tactics.

Play will resume at 12:30 p.m. local time, with 43 minutes and 4 seconds left in the level 5,000/10,000 with 1,000 ante. The tournament, from here on out six-handed, will play down to a final table on Day 4.

TableSeatPlayerChip Count
71Seth Davies460,000
72Nino Marotta742,000
73Shurane Vijayaram745,000
74Luke Roberts1,073,000
75Steven Swalling424,000
76Frank Pezzaniti892,000
81Nicholas Dixon497,000
82Robert Lieu517,000
83Haoran Zhang743,000
84Fedor Holz539,000
85Scott Eskenazi112,000
86Brian Altman54,000
91Michael Weiss1,000,000
92Jennifer Tilly704,000
93Artur Koren459,000
94Patrick Crivell264,000
95Daniel Laidlaw445,000
96Tobias Hausen554,000
101Ryan Pignatelli261,000
102Nicholas Wright252,000
103Christian Nilles459,000
104Daniel Neilson360,000
105William Haughey402,000
106David Olson836,000
281Mustapha Kanit2,318,000
282Sam Ruha225,000
283Jeremy Joseph440,000
284Stephen Bantick880,000
285Benjamin Heath353,000
286Petros Aristidou638,000
311Matthew Wakeman398,000
312Koray Aldemir579,000
313Jeff Rossiter995,000
314Nick Georgoulas701,000
315Ruzman Hussan314,000
316Marc Macdonnell1,078,000

Day 3 Is Done (full)

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

With just 36 players remaining, the 2017 Aussie Millions Main Event goes from 8-handed to 6-handed. That, however, will start tomorrow and with 43 minutes and 4 seconds left on the clock, the tournament is paused for tonight. We'll get back to you soon with an end-of-day recap and some more counts.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mustapha Kanit it
Mustapha Kanit
Profile photo of Marc Macdonnell ie
Marc Macdonnell
Profile photo of Luke Roberts au
Luke Roberts
Profile photo of Michael Weiss au
Michael Weiss
Profile photo of Jeff Rossiter au
Jeff Rossiter
Profile photo of Frank Pezzaniti au
Frank Pezzaniti
Profile photo of Stephen Bantick gb
Stephen Bantick
Profile photo of David Olson us
David Olson
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Shurane Vijayaram au
Shurane Vijayaram
Profile photo of Nino Marotta au
Nino Marotta
Profile photo of Jennifer Tilly us
Jennifer Tilly
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Nick Georgoulas au
Nick Georgoulas
Profile photo of Peter Aristidou au
Peter Aristidou
Profile photo of Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Tobias Hausen de
Tobias Hausen
Profile photo of Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
Profile photo of Robert Lieu au
Robert Lieu
Profile photo of Nicholas Dixon au
Nicholas Dixon
Profile photo of Seth Davies us
Seth Davies
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Christian Nilles de
Christian Nilles
Profile photo of Artur Koren at
Artur Koren
Profile photo of Daniel Laidlaw au
Daniel Laidlaw
Profile photo of Jeremy Joseph us
Jeremy Joseph
Profile photo of Steven Swalling au
Steven Swalling
Profile photo of William Haughey au
William Haughey

Read full

Altman's Stack Decimated

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Nick Georgoulas, known as Nick The Greek around this part of town and winner of a side event earlier this festival, just decimated Brian Altman's stack.

The two got it in before the flop and it proved a huge cooler. Georgoulas showed {A-Clubs}{A-Hearts} to Altman's {K-Spades}{K-Diamonds}. The {10-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{J-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} board brought no help to Altman and he was down to just 20,000 or so.

Two hands later, Altman was all in while Richard Ashby just busted on the other table to send the tournament down to 6-handed play. Altman was all in for 18,000 from the hijack and some people tanked - not aware of the implications it seemed -, which guaranteed Altman the extra pay out.

Altman was eventually called by small blind Koray Aldemir who had {J-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}. Altman showed {A-Clubs}{J-Spades} and doubled as the board came {10-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Nick Georgoulas au
Nick Georgoulas
Profile photo of Brian Altman us
Brian Altman
WPT 3X Winner

Tags: Brian AltmanKoray AldemirNick Georgoulas

Richard Ashby Eliminated

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Richard Ashby got his chips in with {6-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} up against the {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds} of Mustapha Kanit with, what we believe was, at least some part of the board out already. The {7-Diamonds} on the turn was a blank but the {K-Hearts} on the river sure wasn't.

With that, Richard Ashby was eliminated and the tournament down to 36 players - a pay jump and time to redraw. There was, however, another hand in progress. That hand follows in another update.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mustapha Kanit it
Mustapha Kanit
Profile photo of Richard Ashby gb
Richard Ashby
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Mustapha KanitRichard Ashby

Rossiter Wins One Off Holz

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Jeff Rossiter opened the action with a raise to 23,000 from middle position and Fedor Holz three-bet to 56,000 from the button. Rossiter shot Holz a look and counted out the call.

Rossiter checked the {6-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{8-Clubs} flop over to Holz, who checked it right back and it was off to the {6-Diamonds} turn.

Rossiter now led for 90,000 and after thinking it over Holz made the call.

Both players check the {10-Spades} river and Rossiter showed {j-Hearts}{10-Hearts} to take the pot.

“No bet on the river?” Queried Rossiter.

“I’m never going to win that hand as you’re not folding.” Replied Holz who dropped to around 500,000 while Rossiter climbed to 900,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jeff Rossiter au
Jeff Rossiter
Profile photo of Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz

Tags: Fedor HolzJeff Rossiter

Pezzaniti busts Huang

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

We arrived just as there was an all-in and a call with Xiuming Huang getting all the chips in pre-flop against Frank Pezzaniti.

Xiuming Huang: {3-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}
Frank Pezzaniti: {a-Hearts}{a-Spades}

Huang was the at risk player and received no help on the {6-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} flop. Pezzaniti was on his feet calling for his hand to hold and it did so when the turn and river ran out {k-Clubs} and {k-Hearts} respectively. Huang hit the rail and Pezzaniti stacked up to just over 900,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Frank Pezzaniti au
Frank Pezzaniti
Profile photo of Xiuming Huang au
Xiuming Huang

Tags: Frank PezzanitiXiuming Huang

[Removed:17] Eliminated

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

As we arrived, [Removed:17] was already getting up while Nino Marotta was celebrating. While he had just been knocked out, Yan was kind enough to tell us what had happened.

Yan opened and picked up two callers, one of them being Marotta. Yan bet 36,000 on {4-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and another 39,000 on the {7-Clubs} turn. Marotta was the only one that stuck around after the flop and he called the turn as well. The river was the {9-Diamonds} and Marotta lead out for 100,000. Yan shoved all in for a little more and Nino Marotta called.

Yan showed {Q-Diamonds}{x-Diamonds} but that hand was second best as Marotta tabled {K-Diamonds}{x-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Nino Marotta au
Nino Marotta
Profile photo of [Removed:17] au

Tags: Nino Marotta

Yan and Dixon Chop

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

The 2017 Aussie Millions is now down to 5 tables with just 40 players from the 725-strong field remaining.

The play is tightening up slightly as we enter the last 70 minutes of the day and we have not seen many hands progress much past the flop for the last 15 minutes.

We get a rare showdown over on [Removed:17]’s table after Nicholas Dixon opened the action with a raise to 23,000 with Yan (small blind) and the big blind making the call.

The flop fell {4-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and both the blinds checked the action over to Dixon who continuation bet 28,000. Yan called and the big blind bowed out to take the action heads-up to a {10-Spades} turn.

Yan checked for the second time and Dixon moved all-in. Dixon has Yan covered but the New Zealand pro did not hesitate to call off for his tournament life and the cards were turned over. Dixon showed {k-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} and Yan was holding the same hand, the only difference being his was suited {k-Spades}{q-Spades}.

That resulted in an anticlimactic chop when the river came down {j-Diamonds}. Yan is sitting on 180,000 and Dixon looks to have about 450,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Nicholas Dixon au
Nicholas Dixon
Profile photo of [Removed:17] au

Tags: Nicholas Dixon