2013 PokerStars.com EPT London

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2013 PokerStars.com EPT London

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Life at the Top Aint Easy

Level 14 : 1,200/2,400, 300 ante
Viktor Blom
Viktor Blom

There has been a bit of shuffling around at the top and Viktor Blom is no longer chip leader.

He was down to around 400,000 when he lost a 100 big blind flip to Nick Abou Risk. Blom's pocket queens couldn't hold against Risk's ace-king. He four-flushed with the {a-Spades}.

That happened on the feature table but a little while before on an adjacent table another huge pot played out. Toby Lewis told us how Mantas Visockis eliminated an opponent in a 400,000-plus pot with aces to queens. Six bets got in pre flop and Tikerpe's aces held. That put the Estonian up to 510,000.

Another player on 510,000 is Matthias Tikerpe. He's at a very deep table that contains Mike McDonald.

Player Chips Progress
Matthias Tikerpe ee
Matthias Tikerpe
Mantas Visockis lt
Mantas Visockis
Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom
Full Tilt
Nick Abou Risk
Nick Abou Risk

Tags: Mantas VisockisMatthias TikerpeMike McDonaldNick Abou RiskViktor Blom

Kravchenko KO'd

Level 14 : 1,200/2,400, 300 ante
Alex Kravchenko (Day 1a) - Eliminated
Alex Kravchenko (Day 1a) - Eliminated

Faced with a three-bet from Niall Farrell, Alex Kravchenko cold four-bet all in. The action folded back to Farrell, who quickly called with {q-}{q-}, which had Kravchenko's {10-}{10-} crushed.

The queens held, and the Russian was sent off.

Player Chips Progress
Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Alex Kravchenko ru
Alex Kravchenko

Tags: Alex KravchenkoNiall Farrell

Pfutzenreuter Moves into Second Position

Level 13 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante
Timo Pfutzenreuter
Timo Pfutzenreuter

Timo Pfutzenreuter is up to second place in the chip counts after he busted Adria Balaguer.

There was an open to 4,200 before Balaguer three-bet to 9,000. Pfutzenreuter was in the cut-off and four-bet to 18,500. The original raiser folded but Balaguer shoved for 42,000. Call.

Pfutzenreuter: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Balaguer: {q-Clubs}{q-Spades}

The board ran {3-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{2-Spades} and offered no help for Balaguer.

Player Chips Progress
Timo Pfutzenreuter
Timo Pfutzenreuter
Adria Balaguer
Adria Balaguer

Tags: Adria BalaguerTimo Pfutzenreuter

Moorman Moorman Number One!

Level 11 : 600/1,200, 200 ante
Chris Moorman
Chris Moorman

Chris Moorman has just jumped into the chip lead after taking down another huge pot! The board read {J-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{2-Clubs} when we saw a bet in front of Team PokerStars Pro David Williams worth 7,000. At that point Moorman had already called and the action was on the player on the button. George Clyde-Smith was on the button and he made the call.

On the turn the {J-Diamonds} hit and all three players checked. The river brought the {8-Diamonds} and both Williams and Moorman checked to Clyde-Smith. Clyde-Smith bet out 15,000 and Williams decided to make the call. The action was now on Moorman who raised to 55,000 and Clyde-Smith decided to move all in for right around 60,000 chips. Williams tanked for a bit, took a photo of his cards with his phone and then folded his cards.

Moorman called and tabled {8-Spades}{8-Clubs} for a full house. Clyde-Smith had {10-Hearts}{9-Spades} and was eliminated with his rivered straight. Williams explained how he folded {A-}{J-} and Moorman was the only one smiling after this hand. He's now up to 330,000 chips and the chip leader in this event!

Player Chips Progress
Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
David Williams us
David Williams
George Clyde-Smith
George Clyde-Smith

Tags: Chris MoormanDavid Williams

Dwan Shows Up Late, Exits Quickly

Level 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Tom Dwan snuck in a few laughs in his half-hour of play today
Tom Dwan snuck in a few laughs in his half-hour of play today

Tom Dwan rocked up to The Vic right at the end of Level 9, and in the first few minutes of Level 10, he was eliminated.

Dwan open-shoved his last 7,400 from under the gun, and the action folded to Matthias Tikerpe, who called on the button. Both blinds released, and the hands were exposed.

Dwan: {k-Clubs}{q-Hearts}
Tikerpe: {k-Hearts}{9-Spades}

Dwan was looking good after the flop ({2-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{10-Hearts}), and the turn ({k-Diamonds}), but the {9-Hearts} spiked on the river to give Tikerpe kings and nines. Dwan quickly grabbed his things, and bolted out of the tournament area.

He then sent this tweet to the wrong Sam Trickett Twitter handle:

Player Chips Progress
Tom Dwan us
Tom Dwan
GTO Wizard
Full Tilt

Tags: Tom Dwan

Haxton Booted out by Sheringham

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Teddy Sheringham signing a boot for charity
Teddy Sheringham signing a boot for charity

More action from table 25 as Ike Haxton busted to Teddy Sheringham to make that table a little more diluted with talent.

Anton Wigg opened to 1,700 from the hijack before Sheringham three-bet to 4,500 from the button. The PokerStars Team Online member moved all in for about 15,000 and Sheringham called after Wigg folded.

Haxton: {a-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
Sheringham: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}

The board ran {j-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{6-Spades}{3-Hearts}{5-Spades}.

Haxton was offered brief hope when a jack appeared in the window but Sheringham soon sent a football through that window to shatter all hope.

Player Chips Progress
Teddy Sheringham gb
Teddy Sheringham
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton

Tags: Anton WiggIke HaxtonTeddy Sheringham

Wigg Doubles Through Selbst

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Anton Wigg - "F-ing clown"
Anton Wigg - "F-ing clown"

Seeing as table 25 is full of superstars it wasn't going to take long for two of them to tangle. To no one's surprise there was an all-in pot straightaway in the first level of play, and the pot was between Vanessa Selbst and Anton Wigg.

The action folded around to Selbst on the button and she raised to 1,600. Wigg was on the big blind and three-bet to 4,300, Selbst was not to be outdone though and four-bet to 8,900 and called when Wigg shoved for 40,000.

Wigg: {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Selbst: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}

The board ran {6-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{q-Spades} to make Wigg Broadway on the river. Selbst was down to around 22,000 after the loss.

Selbst took to Twitter to say:

Wigg's viewpoint was:

Player Chips Progress
Anton Wigg se
Anton Wigg
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Vanessa Selbst us
Vanessa Selbst

Tags: Anton WiggVanessa Selbst

Korotkikh Takes Out Perrins and Breitfuss

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Matt Perrins during the Day 1b action
Matt Perrins during the Day 1b action

In a huge hand we've just lost two players, Matt Perrins and David Breitfuss. The action was on Perrins when we arrived on the scene and he was facing a shove from Breitfuss. Perrins had 3,800 invested in the pot and it looked like he had made a three-bet on Breitfuss' raise. Mikhail Korotkikh was still to act behind Perrins as he also had chips invested.

Perrins ultimately decided to move all in for around 41,000 chips and Korotkikh instantly moved in as well. A three-way all in was upon us!

Mikhail Korotkikh: {Q-Spades}{Q-Hearts}
Matt Perrins: {A-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}
David Breitfuss: {10-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

The board ran out {3-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{8-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and Korotkikh exploded in excitement. The entire room immediately looked over to Table 34 where the Russian player was celebrating his victory very vocally. After the dust settled there were two open seats on the table and Korotkikh is now one of the chip leaders.

Player Chips Progress
Mikhail Korotkikh ru
Mikhail Korotkikh
Matthew Perrins
Matthew Perrins
David Breitfuss
David Breitfuss

Tags: David BreitfussMatt PerrinsMikhail Korotkikh

Welcome Back to EPT London, Day 2

Sergio Aido
Sergio Aido

The remaining 347 players from Day 1a and 1b combine under one roof today for their second day of play on a journey that they all hope will end with a £700,000 pay day. That is a long way off, for now they must concentrate on making it through six more 75-minute levels.

Leading the way is the chip leader from last night Sergio Aido who has been a busy boy this week. He took down the UKIPT Main Event title and chopped a £1,000 side event before his main event even started! Not only did he manage to amass more than 200,000 chips, he also had time to play in the UKIPT Champion of Champions sit and go last night with the aim of winning a passport to season 4. He did but first in that but what do you want here; Superman?

Play is due to get under way very shortly so don't go anywhere.

Tags: Sergio Aido