2011 World Series of Poker

Event #52: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em (Limit/No-Limit)
Day: 1
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0

Event #52: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em (Limit/No-Limit)

Day 1 Completed

End-of-Day Chip Counts

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Nikolay Losev ru
Nikolay Losev
Profile photo of Joseph Cheong us
Joseph Cheong
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Vincent van der Fluit nl
Vincent van der Fluit
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Dylan Drazen
Dylan Drazen
Profile photo of Sergey Rybachenko ru
Sergey Rybachenko
Profile photo of Chris Bell us
Chris Bell
Profile photo of Daniel Weinman us
Daniel Weinman
WSOP Main Event Champion
Team Lucky
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Adam Sanders
Adam Sanders
Profile photo of Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Kyle Loman us
Kyle Loman
Profile photo of Jared Jaffee us
Jared Jaffee
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Daniel Ratigan us
Daniel Ratigan
Profile photo of Andrey Danilyuk ru
Andrey Danilyuk
Profile photo of Scott Blackman us
Scott Blackman
Profile photo of Scott Montgomery ca
Scott Montgomery
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jeremy Kottler us
Jeremy Kottler
Profile photo of Matt Grapenthien us
Matt Grapenthien
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jason DeWitt us
Jason DeWitt
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Justin Schwartz us
Justin Schwartz
Profile photo of Brandon Meyers us
Brandon Meyers
Profile photo of Max Pescatori it
Max Pescatori
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Nicholas Wilbur
Nicholas Wilbur
Profile photo of Brian Smith us
Brian Smith
Profile photo of Jeremy Ausmus us
Jeremy Ausmus
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of Jonathan Jaffe us
Jonathan Jaffe

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That's a Wrap; Losev's in the Lead!

Level 8

It’s now around that time of night where we wrap things up here at the Rio – so without further ado, let’s get down to it!

580 players ponied up the dough for this year’s $2,500 Mixed Hold’em event, featuring some of poker’s crème de la crème – names like Michael Mizrachi, Jennifer Lee, Mike Sexton, Erick Lindgren, Antonio Esfandiari, David Williams, Jerry Bust, Hoyt Corkins, David Chiu, John Juanda and Daniel Negreanu.

Sadly, all of these players have gone the way of the dodo (figuratively speaking), but we can tell you those who will be returning – in particular, the chip leader, which is Nikolay Rosev with 114,100 in chips, followed by Joseph Cheong in second chip position with 98,600. Sergey Rybachenko (84,700), Chris Bell (81,300) and Daniel Weinman (79,500) round off our top five.

Out of the 135 players coming back to the Amazon Room, only 54 will be getting paid, and in two days’ time, there will be only one on top of the world with a gold bracelet around their wrist. It’s going to go off like a frog in a sock!

Who will become the 52nd champion of the 2011 WSOP? Find out when PokerNews brings you all the updates from the floor from 3pm tomorrow (GMT -7). Until then, it’s ciao for now!

Tags: Nikolay Rosev

Negreanu Eliminated

Limit Hold'em

Negreanu managed to get heads up with another player and on a {A-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{j-Spades} flop Negreanu's opponent in the small blind check-called a bet. With the {Q-Hearts} on the turn the small blind again check-called a bet from Negreanu. The river {Q-Diamonds} brought no change in action as Negreanu again bet after it was checked to him and the small blind called.

Negreanu asked "Do you have an ace?" his opponent responded by flipping over {A-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}, Negreanu then said "Oh, ace king..." and mucked his cards.

Shortly there after Negreanu was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Daniel Negreanu

Jerry Busted

Jerry Buss
Jerry Buss

We missed the action but saw the cards strewn out on the table and a disheartened Jerry Buss heading toward the rail. In front of Buss was the {A-Clubs}{J-Spades} which was behind his opponent's {5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} while the board read {5-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jerry Buss
Jerry Buss

Tags: Jerry Buss

Rybachenko Loses Some

Limit Hold'em

From the small blind, Sergey Rybachenko raised preflop and was called by the player in the big blind. The flop came {7-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{A-Spades} and Rybachenko bet out. His opponent raised him and he made the call.

The turn came {A-Hearts}, pairing aces on the board. Rybachenko check raised the bet from his opponent and his opponent three-bet right back. Rybachenko made the call and they saw the {2-Diamonds} hit the river. Rybachenko checked and his opponent pushed out one more bet. Rybachenko slapped his cards into the muck and his opponent took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Sergey Rybachenko ru
Sergey Rybachenko

Tags: Sergey Rybachenko

Leah's Ace High Grabs It

No Limit Hold'em

On a board of {K-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{8-Clubs}, Mike Leah's opponent bet out 2,100 and after about a minute of thinking, Leah made the call. The river brought the {10-Diamonds} and Leah checked to his opponent who quickly checked. Leah flipped up {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts} for ace-high and was able to drag the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mike Leah ca
Mike Leah
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Mike Leah

Jerry Bussts One

No Limit Hold'em

After a series of raises Jerry Buss called the all in of an opponent who moved in from late position. Buss held {K-Clubs}{k-Hearts} while his opponent tabled {Q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}. The dealer then spread out five cards in the middle and they came out {6-Spades}{6-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{8-Spades}. Buss held and was able to add to his growing stack.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jerry Buss
Jerry Buss

Tags: Jerry Buss

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