2012 World Series of Poker

Event 6: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em Mixed-Max
Day: 3
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
10,000 / 20,000

Event 6: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em Mixed-Max

Day 3 Completed

The Final Four is Set

Level 21 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Joseph Cheong in search of bracelet #1
Joseph Cheong in search of bracelet #1

It took an exhausting five-hour heads-up match for the final four to be set, but with the elimination of Marvin Rettenmaier in fifth place, only four players remain in the quest for a WSOP bracelet in Event 6, the $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em Mixed-Max.

Day 3 began with 31 players looking to navigate their respective ways through the bracket. For Warwick Mirzikinian, his path to the the final four was a bit easier than the rest. As the #1 seed to begin the day, Mirzikinian earned a first-round bye and after defeating Ryan O'Donnell and Rettenmaier, his final four ticket was punched. He will face Aubin Cazals, the #5 seed to start the day. Eric Froehlich, Toby Lewis, and Adam Geyer are in his rear-view mirror as he prepares for a date with Mirzikinian.

2010 November Niner Joseph Cheong (the #7 seed) is in search of his first bracelet and after defeating Nabih Zaczac, Brock Parker, and Fabrizio Baldassari, Cheong is in position to capture it. He'll square off against Hugo Lemaire (the #14 seed). The path for Lemaire included wins against Robert Tepper, Aaron Jones, and Randy Haddox.

Here are the matchups with their chip counts for Sunday's Day 4:

1Warwick Mirzikinian1,547,500
 Aubin Cazals1,475,000
2Joseph Cheong1,567,000
 Hugo Lemaire1,545,000

There will be plenty of room for them to play as the blinds and antes will be at 2,500/5,000/500. Thanks for following our coverage of Day 3 and be sure to join us at 1pm local time Sunday to see who the next WSOP bracelet winner will be!

Marvin Rettenmaier Eliminated in 5th Place ($68,151)

Marvin Rettenmaier - 5th place
Marvin Rettenmaier - 5th place

Warwick Mirzikinian limped blind on the button and Martin Rettenmaier raised to 31,000 from the big blind. Mirzikinian took a peek at his cards and prompty three-bet to 65,000, putting the action back on Rettenmaier.

About one minute passed before Rettenmaier re-raised all in for 255,500 total. Mirzikinian mulled it over briefly before opting to call with {3-Spades}{3-Clubs}. Rettenmaier trailed slightly with {A-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}, but the {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}{10-Spades} flop gave him a huge lead. The {9-Hearts} turn kept him there, but the {3-Hearts} smashed down on the river to give Mirzikinian a winning set, ending Rettenmaier's tournament with a fifth-place finish.

Player Chips Progress
Warwick Mirzikinian au
Warwick Mirzikinian
$25K Fantasy
Marvin Rettenmaier de
Marvin Rettenmaier

Tags: Marvin RettenmaierWarwick Mirzikinian

Mirzikinian Mind Games?

Warwick Mirzikinian
Warwick Mirzikinian

Warwick Mirzikinian has employed an interesting strategy during the current level as many times on his button, he has called dark before the cards have even been dealt. It appears to be working to his advantage as he has managed to steadily increase his lead.

In one such hand Rettenmaier checked his option, landing an {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{5-Clubs} flop. Rettenmaier led out 11,000, but was quickly called by Mirzikinian. The {7-Diamonds} hit the turn and Rettenmaier fired again, this time for 28,000. Another call from Mirzikinian delivered the {10-Diamonds} river. Rettenmaier checked and proceeded to fold when Mirzikinian bet 75,000.

Player Chips Progress
Warwick Mirzikinian au
Warwick Mirzikinian
$25K Fantasy
Marvin Rettenmaier de
Marvin Rettenmaier

Tags: Marvin RettenmaierWarwick Mirzikinian

Mirzikinian Increases Lead

A limped pot between the two delivered a {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{3-Hearts} flop. Both checked to see the {9-Hearts} turn where Rettenmaier checked for a second time. Mirzikinian bet 15,000, Rettenmaier popped it to 41,000, and Mirzikinian called. The {7-Clubs} hit the river and Rettenmaier checked, resulting in a bet of 40,000 from Mirzikinian.

Rettenmaier called, but mucked when Mirzikinian tabled {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts} for a flush.

Player Chips Progress
Warwick Mirzikinian au
Warwick Mirzikinian
$25K Fantasy
Marvin Rettenmaier de
Marvin Rettenmaier

Tags: Marvin RettenmaierWarwick Mirzikinian

Level: 21

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 1,000

Nearly All Square; Rettenmaier Doubles

Marvin Rettenmaier opened to 17,000 on the button and Warwick Mirzikinian re-raised to 38,000 in the big blind. Rettermaier came right back over the top to what looked to be 65,500, but that didn't slow down Mirzikinian. He took about 30 seconds before five-betting to 170,000.

Rettenmaier took about 90 seconds before six-betting all in for 369,500. A quick call from Mirzikinian put the cards on their backs.

Rettenmaier: {J-Hearts}{J-Spades}
Mirzikinian: {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs}

The board rolled out a safe {Q-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades} for Rettenmaier, giving him nearly an even stack with Mirzikinian.

Player Chips Progress
Warwick Mirzikinian au
Warwick Mirzikinian
$25K Fantasy
Marvin Rettenmaier de
Marvin Rettenmaier

Tags: Marvin RettenmaierWarwick Mirzikinian

Rettenmaier Snags One

Marvin Rettenmaier decided to make it 17,000 to see a flop, and Warwick Mirzikinian obliged and made the call. A {j-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{A-Hearts} flop came out and we found Mirzikinian check-calling a 21,500 bet from Rettenmaier. The {3-Diamonds} turn brought two checks, and a {2-Hearts} river allowed for a 25,000 bet from Mirzikinian. Rettenmaier called and flipped over {Q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} which was more than good enough to beat Mirzikinian's {K-Spades}{Q-Spades}.

Player Chips Progress
Warwick Mirzikinian au
Warwick Mirzikinian
$25K Fantasy
Marvin Rettenmaier de
Marvin Rettenmaier