2014 World Series of Poker

Event #41: $1,500 Six-Handed Dealer's Choice
Day: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Robert Mizrachi
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
0 / 0

Event #41: $1,500 Six-Handed Dealer's Choice

Day 2 Completed

Robert Mizrachi Atop Counts to End Day 2

Level 20
Robert Mizrachi seeks his second bracelet.
Robert Mizrachi seeks his second bracelet.

After 10 levels of play here on Day 2, Robert Mizrachi has pole position in the race to claim the first-ever World Series of Poker dealer's choice bracelet here in Event #41: $1,500 Six-Handed Dealer's Choice. Mizrachi's lengthy résumé sports nearly $5 million in cashes, but he's seeking just his second bracelet. He bagged 390,500 to end the night.

Mizrachi won a key hand late in pot-limit Omaha. Brandon Cantu jammed his last 30,000 or so into a monster pot after {k-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Clubs} flopped. Mizrachi called after another player folded, and he managed to run down Cantu's {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{k-Spades} with {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}, nailing a flush on the turn and fading Cantu's full-house outs on the river. Cantu had to settle for 11th, after what was a rather eventful tournament for him.

Plenty of other notables navigated a 95-player Day 2 field to find themselves among the final 10. Two-time bracelet winner Daniel Idema sits in third with 260,000, while fellow bracelet winner Bill Chen (185,000), former WSOP Player of the Year Frank Kassela (153,000), Marco Johnson (87,000), and Jen Harman (60,500) remain in contention. Additionally, Melissa Burr (55,500) seeks a third final table of the 2014 WSOP, as she already notched a fifth-place finish and an eighth-place finish in previous events. She'll have to overcome being the shortest remaining stack if she hopes to do so, though.

Jimmy Fricke, Brian Rast, Jesse Martin, Thayer Rasmussen, Calvin Anderson, Todd Brunson, Gavin Smith, Shawn Buchanan, and Maria Ho were among the players to get paid for their mixed-game prowess today, while John Monnette, Allen Cunningham, Mike Matusow, and Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi fell short of the money.

Be sure to come back tomorrow at 2 p.m. to see which player will make history by claiming the first-ever dealer's choice bracelet.

While you wait, check out our very own Sarah Grant chatting with Bill Chen about a tournament issue that happened late in the day:

Tags: Allen CunninghamBill ChenBrandon CantuBrian RastCalvin AndersonDaniel IdemaFrank KasselaGavin SmithJen HarmanJesse MartinJimmy FrickeJohn MonnetteMarco JohnsonMaria HoMelissa BurrMichael MizrachiMike MatusowRobert MizrachiShawn BuchananThayer RasmussenTodd Brunson

Schaff Tank Folds

Level 20

No-Limit 2-7 Single Draw

Aaron Schaff was under the gun and raised to 8,000. Action trickled around to Daniel Idema in the big blind who cut out a three-bet to 26,000. Schaff called and both players stood pat at the draw.

Idema continued out on the final betting round for 50,000 and Schaff went into the tank. One, two, three minutes passed while Schaff pondered his action. Eventually, about three and a half minutes into the tank, Jen Harman called the clock. Schaff was given one minute to act on his hand before it was declared dead.

Schaff used all of his tank time until the tournament director's countdown reached zero. His hand was declared dead and he showed a pat {9-}{8-}{7-}{6-}{3-} to the table. Idema mucked his cards and scooped up the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Schaff us
Aaron Schaff
Daniel Idema ca
Daniel Idema
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Aaron SchaffDaniel Idema

Mizrachi Pats a Nine

Level 20

2-7 Triple Draw

Robert Mizrachi raised on the button, and Aaron Schaff defended his big blind. Both players drew one, and Schaff check-called a bet. Schaff drew one on both of the last draws as well, calling Mizrachi after the second draw and checking the end. Mizrachi was pat both times and he checked back to end the hand.

"Queen," Schaff said without revealing his cards.

Mizrachi showed {9-Spades}{8-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{5-Spades}{4-Hearts} for a nine-low, and he took the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Mizrachi us
Robert Mizrachi
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Aaron Schaff us
Aaron Schaff

Tags: Aaron SchaffRobert Mizrachi

Maria Mayrinck Eliminated in 11th Place ($7,568)

Level 20
Maria Mayrinck - 11th Place
Maria Mayrinck - 11th Place


Marco Johnson raised from the button and Frank Kassela called from the small blind.

"I raise whatever I can," said Maria Mayrinck from the big blind, pushing her whole stack forward.

Both Johnson and Kassela called and were off to the draws. On the first, Kassela and Mayrinck took two while Johnson opted for three. Kassela bet out and Johnson called to see the next draw. On the second draw, Kassela once again pulled two while Mayrinck and Johnson pulled just one.

Kassela checked, Johnson led out, and Kassela called. On the final draw, Kassela and Mayrinck pulled one and Johnson stood pat. Johnson cut out one final bet when action checked his way and Kassela let go of his cards.

Johnson rolled over {9-Spades}{8-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{2-Clubs} for a ninety-eight and an eight badugi. Mayrinck could not beat it and her cards were pulled into the muck. Johnson pulled in the pot and now has about 84,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Frank Kassela us
Frank Kassela
WSOP 3X Winner
Marco Johnson us
Marco Johnson
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Maria Mayrinck br
Maria Mayrinck

Tags: Maria MayrinckMarco JohnsonFrank Kassela

Kassela Cripples Mayrinck

Level 20


In a heads-up pot, Frank Kassela check-raised after the last draw against Maria Mayrinck.

"Really?" Mayrinck asked before making the call.

Kassela tabled a monster: {7-Clubs}{2-Spades}{3-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} for the best possible hand both ways. Mayrinck's hand was {8-Spades}{6-Spades}{2-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{4-Spades} for an eight-six low, and Kassela took nearly all of her stack.

Player Chips Progress
Frank Kassela us
Frank Kassela
WSOP 3X Winner
Maria Mayrinck br
Maria Mayrinck

Tags: Frank KasselaMaria Mayrinck

Brandon Cantu Eliminated in 12th Place ($7,568)

Level 20
Brandon Cantu - 12th Place
Brandon Cantu - 12th Place

Pot-Limit Omaha

Brandon Cantu jammed his last 30,000 or so into a monster PLO pot against two opponents on a {k-Clubs}{3-Spades}{2-Clubs} flop. Arthur Morris folded.

"I guess I have to call," Robert Mizrachi said.

"You never have to call," Cantu said, turning over {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{3-Diamonds} for top two. Mizrachi held {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for a flush draw, but a ten would also put him in front with a set.

The dealer burned and turned: {4-Clubs}, giving Mizrachi a flush.

"No!" Cantu yelled.

He failed to fill up on the {9-Hearts} river, and that was all she wrote for the controversial Cantu.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Mizrachi us
Robert Mizrachi
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Brandon Cantu us
Brandon Cantu
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Brandon CantuRobert Mizrachi

Abbott Over Mayrinck

Level 20

Omaha 8

Action folded over to Maria Mayrinck in the small blind and she put out a raise. Shane Abbott made it three bets to go from the big blind and Mayrinck called to see a flop.

The dealer put {K-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{7-Spades} on the felt and Mayrinck led out. Abbott called and the {Q-Spades} hit the table on fourth street. Mayrinck bet for a second time and Abbott slid forward a call. The {Q-Hearts} paired the board on the river and Mayrinck check-called a bet from Abbott.

"Aces up," said Abbott, fanning {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} on the felt.

Mayrinck tabled {K-Spades}{8-}{5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} for the second best hand before it was pulled into the muck. Abbott picked up the pot and now sits on about 152,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Shane Abbott us
Shane Abbott
Maria Mayrinck br
Maria Mayrinck

Tags: Maria MayrinckShane Abbott