$10,000 Wynn Millions ($10M GTD)

$10,000 Wynn Millions ($10M GTD)
Day: 3
Event Info

$10,000 Wynn Millions ($10M GTD)

Final Results
Andrew Moreno
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Who Will Make the Money on Day 3 of the $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Wynn Millions ($10M GTD)?

Maria Ho
Maria Ho

Welcome to Day 3 of the Wynn Millions! Day 2ab saw 76 players advance from the 240 survivors from Days 1ab and yesterday, the remaining 246 players from Days 1c took to the felt.

After five levels of play, only 86 of them made it through and the time has arrived for the two fields to combine under one roof.

At noon today, those 162 players that're still in contention from the 1,328 total entries will battle it out for their shot at a piece of the $13,280,000 prize pool.

The top 134 players will make it into the money meaning 28 players will be leaving empty-handed. Entering today with the chip lead is Frank Funaro, who bagged a whopping 953,000 on Day 2c.

Frank Funaro
Frank Funaro Takes Chip Lead Into Day 3

Day 3 Top 10 Stacks

PositionPlayerTableChip Count
1Frank Funaro42953,000
2Dominique Mosley41933,000
3Thomas Boivin37926,000
4Dylan Linde34849,000
5Pavlo Veksler47797,000
6Bin Weng45788,000
7Alex Foxen42787,000
8Ramiro Petrone45782,000
9Russell Thomas33760,000
10Anthony Huntsman44747,000
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu Looks to Make Deep Run in Wynn Millions

Players in the top ten all hold a stack with over 100 big blinds but doesn't mean there isn't plenty of formidable contenders still left in the field as Farid Jattin (662,000), Daniel Negreanu (621,000), Maria Ho (500,000), Jared Jaffee (462,000) and Connor Drinan (449,000) will make their way up the mountain in hopes of making a deep run.

While the latter sits comfortably, an uphill battle is instore for Nadya Magnus (106,000), John Racener (103,00), David Pham (95,000), Sergio Aido (92,000), Kathy Liebert (85,000), and Jack McClelland (34,000) if they wish to make it into the money here on Day 3.

Day 3 Schedule

Play will begin at noon local time, with blinds picking up at level 16 where blinds are 3,000/6,000/6,000. The plan is to play a total of six 90-minute levels with a 10-minute break between each and a 60-minute dinner break after level 19.

LevelDurationSmall BlindBig BlindBB Ante
Break 10    
Break 10    
Break 10    
Dinner Break 60    
Break 10    
End of Day    

At the end of six levels, all remaining players will bag up for the night and return for Day 4 on Thursday, July 1 at noon local time.

This six-day No-Limit Hold’em event will play through Saturday, July 3, 2021, with Days 3 and 4 playing six 90-minute levels, then the remaining field playing until the final table is reached on Day 5. The final day will play until a winner is declared.

Wynn Millions Schedule

*DateDayTime (PT)Tournamnet*    
30-JunWednesdayNoonWynn Millions Day 3    
1-JulThursdayNoonWynn Millions Day 4    
2-JulFridayNoonWynn Millions Day 5    
3-JulSaturdayNoonWynn Millions Day 6 Finale    

There're 162 players returning for Day 3 action, and only 134 spots will be grabbing a piece of the prize pool. Starting the day this close to the money might make for some conservative play, but judging by the previous flights, the tournament should retain the action-filled play that has been up to this point.

A min-cash will be paying $25,091, but all eyes will be on making it through Day 3 for a chance to win the $2,018,666 first-place prize.

Wynn Millions Payouts


Who will make it into the money? Stay tuned here as the PokerNews live reporting team will be on hand to bring you all of the action as the day unfolds.

Tags: Connor DrinanDaniel NegreanuDavid PhamFarid JattinFrank FunaroJack McClellandJared JaffeeJohn RacenerKathy LiebertNadya MagnusSergio Aido

Day 3 Seat Draw By Table

321Matthew Langone22000
322Filipp Khavin332000
323Gintautas Putinas133000
324Derek McMaster213000
325David DiBernardi172000
326Joseph Zona448000
327Federico Quevelo169000
328Connor Drinan449000
329Valentyn Shabelnyk300000
331Russell Thomas760000
332Dash Dudley176000
333David Pham95000
334Michael Liang389000
335Justin Zaki129000
336Corey Lieblein284000
337Hyon Kim430000
338Maria Ho500000
339David Goodman351000
341Andrew Heckman668000
342Ignacio Chaver209000
343Osmin Dardon300000
344Tony Sinishtaj487000
345Manuel Fritz708000
346Ravi Raghavan303000
347Sergio Aido92000
348Dylan Linde849000
351Matt Russell104000
352Miguel Capriles132000
353Boris Akopov308000
354Tom Marchese419000
355Scott Matte214000
356Pfizer Jordan401000
357Matt Ezrol410000
358Toby Lewis382000
359Jesse Sylvia181000
361Julian Milliard547000
362Scott Eskenazi245000
363Nils Tolpingcul96000
364Anuj Agarwal175000
365Jesse Yaginuma364000
366Cliff Josephy394000
367Michael Rossitto213000
368Yosif Nawabi544000
369Yiming Li604000
371Donald Maloney170000
372Femi Fashakin143000
373Peter Neff521000
374Anthony Marquez464000
375Ari Engel286000
376John Brans127000
377Robby Mier165000
378Thomas Boivin926000
379Jared Jaffee462000
381Mark Hammond264000
382Steve Foutty642000
383Scott Mayfield448000
384Mark Babekov250000
385Nadya Magnus106000
386Jordan Spurlin406000
387Brian Murphy566000
388Joseph Roh510000
389Kristen Deardorff162000
391Bruno Furth494000
392David Eldridge159000
393Jose Montes460000
394Jason Koon262000
395Santiago Plante277000
396Jesse Rockowitz132000
397Benny Glaser208000
398Jason Wheeler474000
399Sheldon Gross90000
401Adi Abugazal23000
402Kathy Liebert85000
403Lisa Hamilton177000
404Santiago Soriano703000
405Amit Makhija354000
406Ilyas Muradi635000
407Greg Buonocore123000
408Arman Kilavuz107000
409Thomas Cannoli211000
411Dominique Mosley933000
412Marshall White120000
413Isaac Kempton466000
414Nick Shkolnik290000
415John Riordan67000
416John Hennigan227000
417Daniel Negreanu621000
418Artur Papazyan243000
419Philip Yeh300000
421Ema Zajmovic126000
422Carlos Alvarado302000
423Michael Wolf191000
424Fikret Kovac366000
425Christian Soto195000
426Aaron Mermelstein84000
427Alex Foxen787000
428Ryan Franklin241000
429Lee Markholt225000
431Tomas Soderstrom146000
432Daniel Buzgon170000
433Dan Sepiol123000
434John Racener103000
435Dylan DeStefano255000
436Quang Vu234000
437David Baker353000
438Matas Cimbolas518000
439Philip Shing250000
441Andrew Moreno174000
442Sandeep Pulusani335000
443Anthony Huntsman747000
444Duff Charette181000
445Daniel Wellborn254000
446Dapo Ajayi193000
447Adam Adler120000
448Max Young321000
449Bobby Poe269000
451Mitchell Halverson92000
452Aram Zobian272000
453Ramiro Petrone782000
454Joe Rutledge118000
455Edwin Lam108000
456Justin Liberto302000
457Bin Weng788000
458Kevin Jonna231000
459Jaime Cervantes312000
461Ralph Perry264000
462Julian Manolio258000
463Chris Moorman359000
464Evan Sandberg348000
465Jason Brauda280000
466Chris Mo522000
467Brent Roberts257000
468Andy Park512000
469Ian Matakis395000
471Christopher Doan281000
472Jerry Humphrey198000
473Jeremiah Williams210000
474Frank Funaro953000
475Salim Admon669000
476Joe Kuether479000
477Dylan Smith498000
478Pavlo Veksler797000
479Clayton Maguire353000
481Ryan Riess266000
482Dustin Dirksen295000
483Robert Mizrachi436000
484Kristen Bicknell244000
485Anselmo Villarreal115000
486Harrison Gimbel333000
487Nicholas Burris118000
488Jack McClelland34000
489Aaron Van Blarcum267000
491Javier Zarco126000
492Kevin Wang327000
493Orson Young433000
494Jon-Michael Gisler193000
495Farid Jattin662000
496Timothy Chang249000
497Kevin Eyster341000
498Harold Evans32000
499John Morgan655000

Day 3 Seat Draw By Chip Count

474Frank Funaro953000
411Dominique Mosley933000
378Thomas Boivin926000
348Dylan Linde849000
478Pavlo Veksler797000
457Bin Weng788000
427Alex Foxen787000
453Ramiro Petrone782000
331Russell Thomas760000
443Anthony Huntsman747000
345Manuel Fritz708000
404Santiago Soriano703000
475Salim Admon669000
341Andrew Heckman668000
495Farid Jattin662000
499John Morgan655000
382Steve Foutty642000
406Ilyas Muradi635000
417Daniel Negreanu621000
369Yiming Li604000
387Brian Murphy566000
361Julian Milliard547000
368Yosif Nawabi544000
466Chris Mo522000
373Peter Neff521000
438Matas Cimbolas518000
468Andy Park512000
388Joseph Roh510000
338Maria Ho500000
477Dylan Smith498000
391Bruno Furth494000
344Tony Sinishtaj487000
476Joe Kuether479000
398Jason Wheeler474000
413Isaac Kempton466000
374Anthony Marquez464000
379Jared Jaffee462000
393Jose Montes460000
328Connor Drinan449000
326Joseph Zona448000
383Scott Mayfield448000
483Robert Mizrachi436000
493Orson Young433000
337Hyon Kim430000
354Tom Marchese419000
357Matt Ezrol410000
386Jordan Spurlin406000
356Pfizer Jordan401000
469Ian Matakis395000
366Cliff Josephy394000
334Michael Liang389000
358Toby Lewis382000
424Fikret Kovak366000
365Jesse Yaginuma364000
463Chris Moorman359000
405Amit Makhija354000
437David Baker353000
479Clayton Maguire353000
339David Goodman351000
464Evan Sandberg348000
497Kevin Eyster341000
442Sandeep Pulusani335000
486Harrison Gimbel333000
322Filipp Khavin332000
492Kevin Wang327000
448Max Young321000
459Jaime Cervantes312000
353Boris Akopov308000
346Ravi Raghavan303000
422Carlos Alvarado302000
456Justin Liberto302000
329Valentyn Shabelnyk300000
343Osmin Dardon300000
419Philip Yeh300000
482Dustin Dirksen295000
414Nick Shkolnik290000
375Ari Engel286000
336Corey Lieblein284000
471Christopher Doan281000
465Jason Brauda280000
395Santiago Plante277000
452Aram Zobian272000
449Bobby Poe269000
489Aaron Van Blarcum267000
481Ryan Riess266000
381Mark Hammond264000
461Ralph Perry264000
394Jason Koon262000
462Julian Manolio258000
467Brent Roberts257000
435Dylan DeStefano255000
445Daniel Wellborn254000
384Mark Babekov250000
439Philip Shing250000
496Timothy Chang249000
362Scott Eskenazi245000
484Kristen Bicknell244000
418Artur Papazyan243000
428Ryan Franklin241000
436Quang Vu234000
458Kevin Jonna231000
416John Hennigan227000
429Lee Markholt225000
355Scott Matte214000
324Derek McMaster213000
367Michael Rossitto213000
409Thomas Cannoli211000
473Jeremiah Williams210000
342Ignacio Chaver209000
397Benny Glaser208000
472Jerry Humphrey198000
425Christian Soto195000
446Dapo Ajayi193000
494Jon-Michael Gisler193000
423Michael Wolf191000
359Jesse Sylvia181000
444Duff Charette181000
403Lisa Hamilton177000
332Dash Dudley176000
364Anuj Agarwal175000
441Andrew Moreno174000
325David DiBernardi172000
371Donald Maloney170000
432Daniel Buzgon170000
327Federico Quevelo169000
377Robby Mier165000
389Kristen Deardorff162000
392David Eldridge159000
431Tomas Soderstrom146000
372Femi Fashakin143000
323Gintautas Putinas133000
352Miguel Capriles132000
396Jesse Rockowitz132000
335Justin Zaki129000
376John Brans127000
421Ema Zajmovic126000
491Javier Zarco126000
407Greg Buonocore123000
433Dan Sepiol123000
412Marshall White120000
447Adam Adler120000
454Joe Rutledge118000
487Nicholas Burris118000
485Anselmo Villarreal115000
455Edwin Lam108000
408Arman Kilavuz107000
385Nadya Magnus106000
351Matt Russell104000
434John Racener103000
363Nils Tolpingcul96000
333David Pham95000
347Sergio Aido92000
451Mitchell Halverson92000
399Sheldon Gross90000
402Kathy Liebert85000
426Aaron Mermelstein84000
415John Riordan67000
488Jack McClelland34000
498Harold Evans32000
401Adi Abugazal23000
321Matthew Langone22000

$10,000 Wynn Millions ($10M GTD)

Day 3 Started