2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

€10,600 Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

€10,600 Main Event

Day 5 Completed

Salter Leads the Final Table of the 2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Jack Salter
Jack Salter

Day 5 of the 2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final was the shortest day of the tournament so far as the remaining 17 players were whittled down to the final eight in approximately five hours.

Britain's Jack Salter, who was recently the subject of a feature here on PokerNews, will be going into the final table as the chip leader with 5,170,000 after a remarkable turnaround over the past 48 hours after he came into Day 4 as one of the shortest stacks. Salter overtook Mayu Roca in the last hour or so of play thanks to his unrelenting aggression and frequent cold four-bets which no one else seemed to have an answer to.

Salter leads a table of six different nationalities. As well as Salter representing the UK and Roca being the hope of Colombia, there is also Magnus Karlsson of Sweden, Italy's Antonio Buonanno and Kenny Hicks from the USA. The trio of Sebastian von Toperczer, Malte Moennig and Sebastian Bredthauer will represent Germany, which has been arguably the most dominant country on the European Poker Tour this season.

Steven Silverman was the first player to be eliminated. He reraised all in with {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} over the top of a Karlsson open only to find Roca sitting with {Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} behind him. A blank board and Silverman was walking to the rail. To make matters worse, registration for the €25,000 High Roller event, which Silverman won last year, had already closed meaning the American won't have a chance to defend his title.

After the redraw for two tables, Matias Ruzzi was quickly dispatched by Buonanno. Ruzzi's ace-queen having no answer for the Italian's kings. This was followed by the biggest pot of the tournament so far as on the feature table Roca five-bet all in with {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Spades} against Nikita Nikolaev and the Russian called with {10-Spades}{10-Clubs} for a pot worth over 3 million chips. Nikolaev was eliminated after Roca managed to spike a third queen on the turn. Roca continued his tear, knocking out Nicholas Petrangelo next when the Colombian flopped a straight against Petrangelo's two pair and the latter was unable to improve.

Ivan Soshnikov, who won the EPT Prague High Roller event for €382,050 in December, was eliminated in 13th place. He suffered a cooler when he picked up {A-Spades}{K-Clubs} and went to war against Vasili Firsau but the Belarussian held {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs} and promptly knocked him out. Mark Teltscher, the last remaining former EPT champion, was next out of the door. Shoving with a suited ace-deuce, he ran in von Toperczer's pair of sixes and was drawing dead when the German flopped a set.

Miroslav Alilovic, who a €25,000 contract for winning the French Poker Series Season 3 leader board had to be content with an 11th place finish. Alilovic was crippled when he doubled up Karlsson before having his queens cracked by von Toperczer's lowly eight-five offsuit.

Last year Firsau finished 10th at the EPT Grand Final winning €76,000. This year he finished 10th again for €83,200 – so if nothing else, at least the prize money increased. Firsau three-bet shoved over the top of a Salter raise with {A-Spades}{10-Clubs} but Salter quickly called with {J-Clubs}{J-Spades} and faded on a {4-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{K-Spades} board.

This left the final nine players and it didn't take long for the first showdown. Martins Seilis was the man at risk with a dominating {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts} against Salter's {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs}. The {3-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} gave Salter a flush draw while the {4-Hearts} on the turn gave him some split possibilities but it was the {K-Clubs} on the river that spelled doom for the Latvian and guaranteed Salter's position as the chip leader at the final table.

Tomorrow's final table is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. local time but sequestered to be shown on live stream with hole cards face-up from 2 p.m. The Pokernews Live Reporting will be following all the action from then as EPT Season 10 reaches it's thrilling conclusion. Until then, follow our updates from the €25,000 High Roller by clicking here.

SeatNameChip Count
1Kenny Hicks1,875,000
2Jack Salter5,170,000
3Sebastian Bredthauer755,000
4Mayu Roca4,625,000
5Magnus Karlsson2,595,000
6Malte Moennig1,150,000
7Antonio Buonanno2,065,000
8Sebastian von Toperczer1,240,000


UK's Jack Salter started Day 4 of the Main Event 40 of 41 with only ten big blinds. With a bit of luck and some strategic planning he is now the chip leader with only 8 left. Jennifer Robles catches up with him after he bags up over 5 million chips.

Tags: Jack Salter

Martins Seilis Eliminated in 9th Place (€83,200)

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Martins Seilis
Martins Seilis

In one of the first hands back from the break, Sebastian von Toperczer opened for 100,000 from the hijack only to have Martins Seilis three-bet all in for 710,000 from the cutoff. When action reached Jack Salter in the small blind, he looked down at his cards and then made a triangle with his fingers, the motion he uses to indicate that he is all in. Von Toperczer folded, and the cards were turned up.

Seilis: {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}
Salter: {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}

Seilis was is great shape, and according to the PokerNews Odds Calculator he had a 66.54% chance of doubling on the hand while Salter would come from behind 27.97% of the time.

The {3-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} flop made things interested as Salter picked up a flush draw. It was much more of a flip at this point with Seilis being a slight 49.39% favorite over Salter, who had a 45.76% chance of hitting. The {4-Hearts} turn made it so there was a 20.45% of a tie, but it'd be the {K-Clubs} river that would give Salter the come-from-behind win and send Seilis out the door in ninth place.

We're now down to the final table of eight players.

Player Chips Progress
Martins Seilis lv
Martins Seilis

Tags: Jack SalterMartins Seilis

Short Break

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

The final nine players are now on a short break while they relocate to the feature table. We're one elimination away from the final table of the EPT10 Grand Final. Cards should be back in the air shortly.

Vasili Firsau Eliminated in 10th Place for Second Year in a Row (€83,200)

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Vasili Firsau
Vasili Firsau

When this tournament was down to ten players last year, Vasili Firsau moved his short stack all in holding the {k-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} and received a call from Grant Levy, who held the {a-Clubs}{9-Hearts}. Firsau failed to catch, and he was sent home in tenth place for €76,000.

Fast forward a year. The tournament is down to ten players and Vasili Firsau was once again all in It happened when Jack Salter opened for 110,000 from the button and then snap-called Vasili's all-in shove for 1.165 million.

Salter: {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}
Vasili: {a-Spades}{10-Clubs}

Once again Vasili was behind and in need of some help, but history repeated itself after the board ran out a dry {4-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{k-Spades}. The situation was not lost on Firsau who let a small smile cross his face. For the second year in a row Firsau has barely missed out on the final table, and the only consolation he has here in Season 10 is that the prize money is a little more.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter
Vasili Firsau by
Vasili Firsau

Tags: Jack SalterVasili Firsau

Firsau Avoids Repeating History... For Now

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Last year Vasili Firsau finished tenth in this very event. We're now down to ten players. This is where is journey ended last year, and obviously he has no intention of having it end so early this year.

In a recent hand, a short-stacked Firsau opened for 500,000 from the cutoff, which left him just 115,000 behind. Jack Salter debated what to do from the big blind, and he opted to just call. When the flop fell {9-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{10-Spades}, Salter moved all in and Firsau called off.

Firsau: {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}
Salter: {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

Firsau was ahead, but both a jack and king would give Salter the lead. Fortunately for Firsau, neither ppeared as the {9-Hearts} blanked on the turn followed by a {A-} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter
Vasili Firsau by
Vasili Firsau

Tags: Jack SalterVasili Firsau

Moennig Doubles Through Buonanno

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Antonio Buonanno raised to 100,000 from late position and Malte Moennig moved all in behind him. The Italian got a count and then decided to call.

Buonanno: {A-Spades}{3-Clubs}
Moennig: {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}

The board came {9-Spades}{3-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and Moennig made trip nines to double his stack to 1.2 million. Buonanno was left with 2.1 million.