2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - Horseshoe Council Bluffs

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2012-13 World Series of Poker Circuit Event - Horseshoe Council Bluffs

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Main Event

Day 2 Completed

Waites Leads but Hinkle Looks to Capture Title for Second Time in Three Seasons

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Blair Hinkle
Blair Hinkle

The 2012/2013 World Series of Poker Circuit Horseshoe Council Bluffs continued on Sunday as 133 players from a 362 player field returned for Day 2 action. There were five late registrants, which brought the final number up to 367 entries and created a prize pool of $550,800 to be distributed to the top 45 players. Not only was the money bubble burst on Day 2, the field was reduced to the final ten. The man best position to capture the $121,177 first-place prize is Brendan Waite, who bagged the chip lead with 1.432 million. Hot on his heels is none other than WSOP bracelet winner Blair Hinkle, who actually won the WSOP Council Bluffs Main Event back in the 2010/2011 season.

Day 2 began in Level 13 (700/1,400/200) and it didn’t take long for players to hit the rail. In one brutal hand, Larry Ormson opened to 8,000 in late position only to have local pro Brandon Fish raise to 20,000 from the small blind. Ormson called off his stack and the players showed their cards:

Fish: {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}
Ormson: {J-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}

The {5-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} flop was great for Ormson, but the {4-Clubs} turn gave him pause as Fish picked up a flush draw. Incredibly, and much to Ormson’s dismay, the {K-Clubs} spiked on the river to give Fish the runner-runner flush.

Others who fell before the money were five-time ring winner Ari Engel; the all-time WSOP Circuit ring winner Alex Masek; defending champ Scott Stanko; the WSOP Circuit National Leader Board points leader Rex Clinkscales; and WSOP Circuit Harveys Lake Tahoe champ Cary Marshall.

When just 46 players remained in Level 18 (2,000/4,000/500), hand-for-hand play was initiated as the money bubble was in full effect. It took awhile, but the bubble has finally burst. Not surprisingly, it came from a classic race situation.

It happened when Larry Scholl opened for 11,000 from the cutoff, leaving himself 76,000 behind. WSOP bracelet winner Robert Cheung, who had a bigger stack, moved all in from the big blind and put Scholl to the test. The rest of the tables ad completed the action, and all eyes seemed to be on Table 33. Scholl looked at the tournament clock, saw that a min-cash was worth $2,490, and said: "Well, I don't need $2,500." He then called.

Scholl: {A-Diamonds}{K-Spades}
Cheung: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

"It's a race," Scholl said as both players stood. Indeed it was, but not so much after the flop came down {10-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}. Scholl was still looking to improve, which became harder to do when the {J-Diamonds} turn gave Cheung a straight. "Give him a queen," Scholl told the dealer knowing full well he needed one of the two remaining ladies to stay alive. The dealer burned and delivered the {K-Diamonds}. It was paint, but not what Scholl needed. His elimination in 46th place meant that each of the remaining players were guaranteed a $2,490 payday. It's also worth noting that Doug "Rico" Carli, who ultimately finished in 32nd place for $3,057, notched his record 104th career WSOP-related cash, which is ahead of Phil Hellmuth’s 96 cashes.

From there, the in-the-money eliminations began to mount. Among those to fall were Henry Tran (45th - $2,490), Leonard Daniel (39th- $2,490), Allen Kessler (37th - $2,490), Everett Carlton (30th - $3,448), Mark Fink (29th - $3,448), Kou Vang ($3,938) and Casey Cavanaugh (24th - $4,555), Deborah Phillips (22nd - $4,555), Robert Cheung (18th - $6,334), Shawn Meyer (15th - $7,612) and the chip leader at the start of the day, Scott Small (14th - $7,612).

One player to fall late in the night was Grant Hinkle. It happened in Level 25 (8,000/16,000/2,000) when Hinkle shoved for 178,000 under the gun. Trevor Deeter called from the small blind and the hands were tabled.

Deeter: {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts}
Hinkle: {Q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}

Deeter was out in front with his ace and strengthened his lead when the flop brought the {3-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{A-Hearts}, though Hinkle picked up a heart draw. The {3-Clubs} turn was not what Hinkle needed, and neither was the {2-Clubs} run. Hinkle’s elimination in 11th place meant a highly anticipated Hinkle Brothers final table wasn’t going to happen.

Even so, the final ten are an eclectic bunch. Of course there’s Blair Hinkle, who won the 2010/2011 WSOP Circuit Horseshoe Council Bluffs $1,650 Main Event for $88,555 and was looking to take down the title for the second time in three seasons. There’s also the current Horseshoe Council Bluffs Casino Champ leader Mark Bonsack, who won a ring in Event #6 $365 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo for $11,254; “Cowboy” Ben Smith, the elder statesman at the table who hails from Wisconsin; and Sean Small, who is just 80,000 chips shy of the leader.

The third and final day is set to kick off at noon CST, and PokerNews will be on hand to bring you all the live updates from that event.

Tags: Blair Hinkle

End Of Day 2 Counts

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Brendan Waite
Brendan Waite
Sean Small us
Sean Small
Blair Hinkle us
Blair Hinkle
WSOP 1X Winner
Mark Bonsack us
Mark Bonsack
Trevor Deeter
Trevor Deeter
Tim Hughes
Tim Hughes
Cord Garcia us
Cord Garcia
Ben Smith
Ben Smith
Phil Mader us
Phil Mader

Small and Waite Fight for Final Pot

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Old rivals clashed to end the night, as Brendan Waite and Sean Small, who had traded barbs after a pot a few hours ago in which Waite doubled through Small, got involved in a hand.

Waite raised to 38,000 from the cutoff, and Small made it 77,000 to go from the button. Waite came back over the top for a raise to 285,000, and Small five-bet all in. Waite folded after a bit of thought, showing the {A-Spades}.

Player Chips Progress
Sean Small us
Sean Small
Brendan Waite
Brendan Waite

Tags: Brendan WaiteSean Small

Chip Leaders Sparring

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Brendan Waite opened for a raise to 32,000 from under the gun, and fellow top stack Blair Hinkle reraised to 68,000. Waite called and checked dark. The flop came {5-Spades}{10-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}. Hinkle bet 51,000, and Waite called, then checked a {6-Spades} turn. Hinkle came out with 140,000 this time, and Waite tanked for about three minutes before coming back with 340,000. Hinkle folded without much thought.

Player Chips Progress
Brendan Waite
Brendan Waite
Blair Hinkle us
Blair Hinkle
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Blair HinkleBrendan Waite

Hinkle Looking for Second WSOP Circuit Council Bluffs Title

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Two and a half years ago, Blair Hinkle traveled here to the Horseshoe Council Bluffs and walked away with his first and only gold ring. He did so by winning the 2010/2011 WSOP Circuit Horseshoe Council Bluffs $1,650 Main Event for $88,555.

Not only is Hinkle looking for a second gold ring to compliment his WSOP bracelet, he is looking to win the same event for the second time in three seasons. It would be a remarkable feat indeed!

Tags: Blair Hinkle

The Unofficial Final Table & Approximate Chip Counts

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
1Brendan Waite1,400,000
2Sean Small1,200,000
3Blair Hinkle1,300,000
4Mark Bonsack600,000
5Ben Smith295,000
6Trevor Deeter665,000
7Cord Garcia420,000
8Tim Hughes540,000
9Phil Mader320,000
Player Chips Progress
Brendan Waite
Brendan Waite
Blair Hinkle us
Blair Hinkle
WSOP 1X Winner
Sean Small us
Sean Small
Trevor Deeter
Trevor Deeter
Tim Hughes
Tim Hughes
Cord Garcia us
Cord Garcia
Phil Mader us
Phil Mader
Mark Bonsack us
Mark Bonsack
Ben Smith
Ben Smith

Grant Hinkle Eliminated in 11th Place ($9,275)

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Grant Hinkle - 11th Place
Grant Hinkle - 11th Place

Grant Hinkle shoved his last 178,000 from under the gun. Trevor Deeter made the call from the small blind.

"Bad timing bro," Cord Garcia said, as he gathered his chips. He laughed and threw his cards away however, and Hinkle and Deeter showed their hands.

Deeter: {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts}
Hinkle: {Q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}

The flop brought {3-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{A-Hearts}, and we had a sweat on our hands. The turn bricked off with the {3-Clubs} and the river brought only a {2-Clubs}, ending Hinkle's run.

With 10 players remaining, the survivors have redrawn seating assignments and are all seated at Table 33 now.

Player Chips Progress
Trevor Deeter
Trevor Deeter
Grant Hinkle us
Grant Hinkle
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Grant HinkleTrevor Deeter

Leshovsky Eliminated in 12th Place ($9,275)

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Leshovsky - 12th Place
Leshovsky - 12th Place

Mark Bonsack opened for 32,000 under the gun and Brendan Waite called from the small blind. Andrew 
Leshovsky came along for the rider from the big and it was three-way action to the {4-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} flop, which all three players checked.

When the {A-Clubs} turned, two checks put action on Bonsack and he bet 45,000. Waite called and then 
Leshovsky waited for a few moments before moving all in for 192,000. Bonsack thought for about a minute before releasing his hand and Waite made a fairly quick call. 
Leshovsky revealed the {q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} for two pair and seemed crestfallen when Waite rolled over the {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades} for a bigger two pair.

The {9-Hearts} river failed to help 
Leshovsky and he hit the rail in 12th place for $9,275.

Player Chips Progress
Brendan Waite
Brendan Waite
Mark Bonsack us
Mark Bonsack

Tags: Andrew 
LeshovskyMark BonsackBrendan Waite

Jeff Heiberg Eliminated in 13th Place ($7,612)

Level 25 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Jeff Heiberg - 13th Place
Jeff Heiberg - 13th Place

A few minutes before the level change, Jeff Heiberg raised to 32,000 from early position. Andrew Leshovsky made it 81,000 to go from late position, and Sean Small reraised to 134,000 from the big blind. Heiberg and Leshovsky both called. The three players took in a flop of {7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{9-Spades}. Small continuation-bet 155,000, and Heiberg called. Leshovsky, with one of the shortest stacks remaining, went deep into the tank, rubbing his forehead. Finally, he folded.

The turn brought an {8-Hearts}, and Small announced he was all in. Heiberg, who was covered by Small's 207,000, called after thinking for a couple of minutes with {J-Clubs}{J-Spades}. Small showed him the bad news: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades}. Heiberg stood up and asked for a jack, but a {9-Clubs} hit the river to send him out the door in 13th.

Player Chips Progress
Sean Small us
Sean Small
Jeff Heiberg us
Jeff Heiberg

Tags: Jeff HeibergSean Small