2017 World Series of Poker

Event #65: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em (30 minute levels)
Day: 1
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Kiryl Radzvionau and Ryan Riess Eliminated

Level 5 : 150/300, 50 ante

In a three-way all in both Ryan Riess and another player held ace-king and Kiryl Radzivonau held {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}.

The board ran out {2-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and Radzivonau was eliminated.

A short while later Riess held {6-}{6-} against his opponent's {k-}{j-}. The flop came {q-}{10-}{a-} giving his opponent a straight. The turn was a {6-} and the river a {j-} and Riess was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Kiryl Radzivonau by
Kiryl Radzivonau
Ryan Riess us
Ryan Riess
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kiryl RadzvionauRyan Riess

Level: 6

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 50

Craig Varnell Folds

Level 6 : 200/400, 50 ante

The player in the hijack raised to 700 and Craig Varnell called from the big blind. The flop came {8-Spades}{3-Spades}{7-Spades}, and Varnell check-called the 1,100 bet of his opponent.

The turn brought the {K-Hearts}. Varnell checked again, and after his opponent bet 2,600, Varnell released his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Craig Varnell us
Craig Varnell
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Craig Varnell

Shawn Hall Doubles in Cooler

Level 6 : 200/400, 50 ante

With the board reading {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{9-Spades}{a-Diamonds}, Shawn Hall got his stack in against another player.

Hall held {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} and was all in for 7,275. His opponent held {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} for a smaller full house and was drawing to one out.

The river was the {k-Hearts} and Hall doubled in a massive cooler.

Same Story, Different Tournament

Level 6 : 200/400, 50 ante
William Kassouf
William Kassouf

"What are you limping with?" William Kassouf asked.

A player limped from early position and Kassouf raised from the small blind to 1,400. His opponent then moved all in for 10,025.

"You limp, I raise," he continued, "I'm not raising light."

Eventually the clock was called on Kassouf. With the new 30-second clock rule, Kassouf had slightly less time than last year to come to a decision.

"You show if I fold?" he asked, "You got a big hand?"

"There's only one way to find out," replied his opponent. Eventually Kassouf let his hand go.

Player Chips Progress
William Kassouf gb
William Kassouf

Tags: William Kassouf

Daniel Strelitz Loses

Level 6 : 200/400, 50 ante

The board read {3-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{6-Spades} on the flop and Daniel Strelitz had bet 1,800 in the hijack. After checking, his opponent in the big blind called.

The turn was the {2-Spades}. The big blind checked again and Strelitz shoved all in. His opponent snap-called.

Daniel Strelitz: {J-Spades}{J-Diamonds}
Big Blind: {5-Spades}{4-Spades}

His opponent had turned a straight and Strelitz was drawing dead. The {10-Spades} on the river didn't make a difference for Strelitz, only making his opponent's hand even stronger by making him a flush.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Strelitz us
Daniel Strelitz
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Daniel Strelitz

Level: 7

Blinds: 250/500

Ante: 75

Alex Foxen Knocks Out One

Level 7 : 250/500, 75 ante

In the previous level, Alex Foxen had raised to 800 from the under-the-gun position. The player on the button shoved all in and Foxen ended up calling for 3,600 in total.

Foxen had {K-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and his opponent {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}. The board ran out {9-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{2-Spades}, meaning the player on the button hit two pair, aces and queens, but Foxen had him beat with trip nines.

"How come you can hit them with king-nine?" the player on Foxen's right. Foxen just laughed a bit and chatted away.

The player that was just eliminated was pretty mad when he walked away and said Foxen should have never called it, but Foxen continued chatting and didn't hear him.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Foxen us
Alex Foxen
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching

Tags: Alex Foxen