2009 World Series of Poker

Event 12 - $10,000 World Championship Mixed Event
Day: 3
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2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
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Event 12 - $10,000 World Championship Mixed Event

Day 3 Completed

Congratulations to Ville Wahlbeck, Event #12 Champion! ($492,375)

Ville Wahlbeck - Event #12 Champion
Ville Wahlbeck - Event #12 Champion
These days, it's rare to see some genuine emotion at the tables. So often our game is marred by the excessive celebrations and fist-pumping that make so many of us cringe and roll our eyes, but moments after Ville Wahlbeck won his first WSOP bracelet, he shed more than a few tears of joy and had to take a moment in the corner of the final table area to collect himself and let his accomplishment sink in.

Wahlbeck already made it to one final table this week, finishing third in the $10,000 World Championship Seven-Card Stud event for a nearly $153,000 payday. He can now add $492,375 and a gold bracelet to his 2009 WSOP winnings.

A soft-spoken young man from Helsinki, Finland, 33-year old Wahlbeck is a regular on the European Poker Tour, but this is his first stateside tournament victory. His win tonight also marks the first WSOP bracelet for a Finnish player. Recently, he posted in his blog that he was thinking about quitting poker, but we have a feeling that after his win tonight, he'll be a force on the felt for a long time to come.

Congratulations to Ville Wahlbeck on a very well-deserved win.

Chiu's Chips Shipped Back to Ville

Limit Hold'em:

David Chiu raised, Ville Wahlbeck three-bet and Chiu called. Wahlbeck bet in the dark before the flop came down {K-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs} {3-Spades}. Chiu called and they went to the turn, which fell the {9-Clubs}. Walhbeck bet, Chiu raised and Wahlbeck called. The river was the {2-Clubs} and Wahlbeck check-called one more bet.

Chiu turned up {K-Spades} {10-Spades} but it was no match for Walhbeck's {A-Spades} {A-Hearts}. Wahlbeck has now re-assumed his more than 5-1 chip lead.

Chiu Makes the Hero Call

Limit Hold'em:

On a flop of {J-Clubs} {8-Hearts} {2-Spades}, David Chiu checked, Ville Walhbeck bet and Chiu called. The turn fell the {3-Hearts} and Chiu bet out. Wahlbeck raised and after a bit of a think, Chiu called. The river was the {A-Clubs} and Chiu check-called Wahlbeck's bet.

Chiu showed {Q-Hearts} {8-Clubs} and Walhbeck mucked.

Scott Dorin Eliminated in 3rd Place ($199,940)

Scott "dorinvandy" Dorin - 3rd Place
Scott "dorinvandy" Dorin - 3rd Place
2-7 Triple Draw:

Scott Dorin raised from the button, Ville Wahlbeck three-bet, Dorin bet the last of his chips and Wahlbeck called.

On the first draw, Wahlbeck took two while Dorin drew one. They drew one apiece on the second draw and both rapped pat on the third.

Wahlbeck turned up 7-6-4-3-2. Dorin couldn't beat it with his 9-low and exited in third place. He'll take home $199,940 for a hard-fought battle.

Level: 28

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Scott Nothing!

Can he 'Finnish' it?
Can he 'Finnish' it?

The board is reading {10-Clubs} {9-Clubs} {5-Hearts} {6-Hearts} {J-Clubs} and Ville Wahlbeck is facing a 550,000 chip bet from Scott Dorin. It's the most substantial pot we've seen in a while, and Wahlbeck tanks for a few minutes before calling. Dorin mucks when Wahlbeck shows {K-Clubs} {Q-Spades} {J-Diamonds} {7-Hearts} for the straight.

Dorin is down to about 1 million chips and the Finn is the chip leader by some distance now.
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