2013 World Series of Poker

Event #4: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em (Six Handed)
Day: 2
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Event #4: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em (Six Handed)

Day 2 Completed

Mustafa Leads Final Seven; Loeser and Cada Still in Contention

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Over the past two days the 2013 World Series of Poker Event #4 $1,500 No-Limit Hold’em /Six Handed tournament has saw 1,069 players reduced to the final seven. The man best positioned to capture this bracelet is Mike Mustafa, who holds 1.28 million in chips. With that said, some stiff competition stands in his way including Keven Stammen, Manig Loeser and 2009 WSOP Main Event champ Joe Cada.

Today 117 players settled into the Amazon Room for ten and a half levels of play. Nine of those players would leave empty handed as only 108 were slated to get paid. Among those who failed to secure a payday were John Nidhiry, Nasir Veerani, Aaron Kaiser, David Tuthill and the lovely Jamie Kerstetter, who was recently featured in PokerNews’ popular Online Chat series.

The money bubble occurred early in the day and it didn’t last long—just one hand in fact. There were actually three all ins on the very first hand of hand-for-hand play, but only one of them resulted in an elimination.

It happened when a short-stacked Michael McDonald of Jonesboro, Arkansas (not to be confused with Mike "Timex" McDonald) moved all in for 8,900 from the cutoff and Fabien Marguerite called from the small blind.

McDonald: {A-Spades}{J-Clubs}
Marguerite: {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}

McDonald was ahead, and according to the PokerNews Odds Calculator, he had a 55.62% chance of surviving the hand while Marguerite had a 43.94% chance. The {9-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} was kind to McDonald and upped his chances to 76.67%, but the {K-Diamonds} turn was cruel as could be as it paired Marguerite and made him an overwhelming 93.18% favorite. McDonald needed an ace on the river to stay alive, but it wasn't in the cards as the {8-Diamonds} blanked. With that, McDonald left empty handed while everyone else secured a minimum payday of $2,871.

Among those who failed to survive the day but boosted their bankroll were October Nines Rob Salaburu (100th - $2,871) and Russell Thomas (96th - $2,871); the ever-boisterous Humberto Brenes (70th - $3,391); WSOP APAC bracelet winner Bryan Piccioli (63rd - $3,680); 2012 WSOP bracelet winner Craig McCorkell (59th - $3,997); Wisconsin businessman Larry Ormson (44th - $4,892); 2010 WSOP Main Event champ Jonathan Duhamel (44th - $4,892); and reigning World Poker Tour Player of the Year Matt Salsberg (21st - $9,640).

Salsberg’s elimination came in Level 17 (2,000/4,000/500) when Salsberg stuck his remaining 55,000 in with the {7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} and John Beauprez snap-called with the {a-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. The board ran out {9-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{8-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and that did it for Salsberg, who we expect to play numerous events this summer.

The eliminations continued over the next three levels and included Ville Sissonen (18th - $12,122), Grant Hinkle (16th - $12,122), Aleksandr Gnatenko (14th - $12,122), Day 1 chip leader Greg Hobson (11th - $15,643), Rex Clinkscales (10th - $20,709), Fabien Marguerite (9th - $20,709) and Ami Alibay (8th - $28,155).

1Eric Blair685,000
2John Beauprez796,000
3Joe Cada671,000
4Mike Mustafa1,280,000
5Zohar Spivack393,000
6Keven Stammen201,000
7Manig Loeser931,000

The remaining seven players will return at 3 p.m. PST to play down to a winner. Join us then as we bring you all the action and eliminations from the fourth bracelet event of the 2013 World Series of Poker!

Tags: Mike Mustafa

Ami Alibay Eliminated in 8th Place ($28,155)

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante
Ami Alibay - 8th Place
Ami Alibay - 8th Place

Action folded to Ami Alibay who moved in his last 50,000 from the small blind. Mike Mustafa called without looking out of the big blind and the two were flipping for Ailbay's life.

Alibay: {6-Diamonds}{6-Spades}
Mustafa: {K-Spades}{J-Clubs}

Mustafa paired up on the {4-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{2-Clubs} flop and never let up his lead through the {q-Clubs} turn and the {a-Diamonds} river. Alibay was sent home in 8th place and will collect $28,155 in tournament winnings.

Player Chips Progress
Ami Alibay ca
Ami Alibay

Tags: Ami AlibayMike Mustafa

Mustafa Takes Over the Chip Lead

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Mike Mustafa opened for 31,000 from the small blind and then called when Eric Blair three-bet to 76,000. Both players proceeded to check the {a-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{5-Clubs} flop, and then Mustafa led out for 75,000. Blair made a relatively quick call, the {8-Diamonds} completed the board on the river and Mustafa bet 150,000.

Again Blair called quickly, but all he did was muck when Mustafa rolled over {4-Spades}{4-Clubs} for a full house.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Mustafa
Mike Mustafa
Eric Blair us
Eric Blair

Tags: Mike MustafaEric Blair

Play Slowing Down

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

With just one elimination to go before the evening concludes, play has seemingly come to a halt. Players on both tables are just trading blinds with very few flops or significant confrontations being seen.

Loeser Can't Stand the Heat

Level 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

John Beauprez raised to 20,000 first to act. Action folded to Manig Loeser who made the call from the big blind. The flop read {a-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}. Loeser Checked and Beauprez bet 27,000. Loeser called and the {4-Diamonds} ripped off on the turn. Again Loeser checked and Beauprez bet this time 57,000. Loeser again called and the {a-Hearts} came on the river. This time when it was checked to Beauprez he fired out 176,000. This was to much heat for Loeser and he folded. Loeser and Beauprez now have nearly identical stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Manig Loeser de
Manig Loeser
WSOP 2X Winner
John Beauprez us
John Beauprez
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: John BeauprezManig Loeser

Level: 21

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 2,000

Mustafa Doubles Through Blair

Level 20 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

After a series of raises, Mike Mustafa found himself all in and at risk before the flop against Eric Blair.

Mustafa: {K-Spades}{K-Clubs}
Blair: {A-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}

The board fell {8-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{3-Clubs}{5-Hearts} and Mustafa's kings were able to hold, securing his double to around 640,000.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Blair us
Eric Blair
Mike Mustafa
Mike Mustafa

Cada Gets Coolered; Blair Takes The Lead

Level 18 : 3,000/6,000, 500 ante

Eric Blair started the hand off with a raise to 20,000 on the cutoff. Joe Cada re-raised to 50,000 from the button. Mike Mustafa called the re-raise and action was back to Blair. Blair made another raise to 150,000. Cada immediately said all in then it went fold for Mustafa and a quick call by Blair.

Cada: {j-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}
Blair: {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

We had a cooler on our hands. The board ran out {a-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{2-Spades}. Cada got colored and he is now down to 340000. Blair is living large as the chip leader with 1,355,000.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Blair us
Eric Blair
Joe Cada us
Joe Cada

Tags: Eric BlairJoe Cada